Berwyn Puts His Ignorance On Display Once Again

SUMMIT COUNTY — Showing signs of increasing desperation, global warming deniers are trying to deflect attention from the clear and present danger of heatwaves, severe storms and wildfires by publishing questionable long-range weather maps suggesting next winter will bring below average temperatures.

Hardly anyone is listening. It’s tough to pay attention to nonsense when the temperature outside is 107 and an unusually intense thunderstorm knocks out your power.

The two hottest Junes in US history were 1933 and 1918. In May 1934, Iowa hit 111 degrees. In August 1913, Oklahoma City was over 110 degrees on twenty-two days. Our generation has experienced nothing close to these extremes.

Plus, the same people, like infamous denier Joe Bastardi, to name just one, have made the same claims before, only to be proved wrong time and time again. During last summer’s brutal heat wave, they told us not to worry, next year will be cooler.

Guess what? Now it’s “next year” and it’s hotter than ever. Perhaps the exact location of the hotspots have shifted a bit, but the bottom line is, people are starting to notice that the extreme heat is not letting up. To the contrary, the ratio of record highs compared to record lows keeps increasing and the heatwaves are lasting longer.

Classic yellow spotted cherry picking. The planet always has hot spots (falling air) and cool spots (rising air)  Australia, Brazil, and the UK are having exceptionally cold weather. Temperatures at the North Pole have been running below normal. Temperatures on both US coasts were below normal in June. Bob is sitting under a warm spot (A blistering 80 degrees in Vail) and it has confused him.

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Four tropical storms form early in the season; one of them soaks up energy from the bathtub warm waters of the Gulf, then converts all that excess energy into a fury of rain that leaves parts of Florida under water.

Op-ed: Extreme weather shows global warming fingerprints « Summit County Citizens Voice

Complete drivel. 1907 was the coldest year on record in the US according to GISS, and was followed by a category 2 hurricane in March 1908 and a hurricane which hit the US on May 24.

Bob is the classic witch burner. He sees something that troubles him, doesn’t bother to check his facts, and finds someone to blame – like Joe Bastardi.

Berwyn types have plagued the human race since the dawn of time.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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10 Responses to Berwyn Puts His Ignorance On Display Once Again

  1. johnmcguire says:

    I like your statement about Berwyn types have plagued the human race since the dawn of time. You are right there is nothing new under the sun as we have always had these crooks and charlatans in our midst. It’s just that now there is either more of them our it’s that they have weasled their way into positions of influence. Although I doubt if Berwyn has much influence over those able to think for themselves.

  2. kirkmyers says:

    What happened to the “weather isn’t climate” mantra? Apparently that explanation only applies to record-low temperatures and blizzards. Blaming every severe weather event on global warming (aka “climate change”) is an act of desperation on the part of the Hockey Stick crowd.

    The science isn’t on their side, so they’ve upped the ante, employing even more hyperventilating scare tactics to sway the uninformed and impressionable masses. But their tactic isn’t working. More and more people see the global warming scare for what it truly is: phony alarmism promoted by a group of pickpockets disguised as scientists..

  3. johnmcguire says:

    Hey Steve , as far as Joe Bastardi goes, I would drive accross town to talk to Joe. I wouldn’t pick up the telephone to talk to Berwyn. And I don’t know how accurate the prominent ranking on Google is either. In this day of deception I don’t think you can really beleive google or any other organization such as that. My thought is trust no one and verify every thing. I trust what Joe Bastardi is saying because it correlates with what is happening in the real world. Didn’t Joe say we would be hit with some really hot weather on the dead cat bounce. I’m laying in firewood for the winter. If Berwyn wants to be like the grasshopper and die in the cold that’s up to him.

  4. dmmcmah says:

    Be sure to bookmark this and remind Berwin of it this winter. I am betting on Bastardi.

  5. jimash1 says:

    “infamous denier Joe Bastardi”
    Really I tire of these people’s unrestrained name calling and personal bashing
    They deserve everything we say about them, and more.
    Bunch o’ charlatans.

    • rw says:

      “infamous denier”

      That’s good. This is the kind of thing that soap box types come out with when they’ve gotten really wound up and are skirting the edge of incoherence. Beyond this, it’s flailing arms and naked yelling.

  6. Shooter says:

    When your opponent resorts to name calling, there is no argument. This is a classic textbook example of argumentum ad hominem. Mr. Bastardi is not an alarmist, but he is called a “denier”. Ironically, warmists are really the deniers, as they fail to evaluate all data that proves that heatwaves are not getting worse.

    Warmists have lost the argument and now must resort to opinion pieces in newspapers long since tarnished in order to get published.

    • Dave N says:

      Worse, they ignore the past, cherry pick a heatwave, then claim that “deniers” are attempting to “deflect”, all in the same (metaphorical) breath. Too much irony in their diet.

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