Joe Bastardi Positively Correlates The Climate To Football Results

Guest post by Joe Bastardi


I am using my own alma  mater here so I can  not be accused of trying to  beat down other schools. But I think after looking at this, other schools that have great football teams with meteorology  programs, and we are loaded in the  Big Ten, will have to do some soul searching  as to their contribution to Human caused Global warming.

The facts:

While  researching for my  book “How football affects the climate”,  which I plan to put out to  try to outsell recent books on the climate fight, I have discovered that Penn State football may actually have been controlling the enso during the Paterno era.  How can I possible say that. Well if someone can tell me, you and the rest of the world that co2 is in charge of the climate,  given this factual data, and that the IPCC and climate models are correct even though  the are obviously busting( below)

Then I can sure as the sun rises make the case, that if you look at the  MEI  signal and then  look at Penn States  greatest football teams, there is certainly a stronger relationship. This could lead to even more grant money  pouring into schools,  to find out if their football program is also part of the Human caused climate catastrophe that we are all hearing about.

Here look at the facts..  PSU  top seasons,  vs MEI

all of them during warm events, though the  1971  season was left out which was a cold event  But I was just using a trick, so I left it out. I don’t want anything in here to mess with my theory.

Conclusion: I would suggest all major football/meteo schools jump on this potential bandwagon/gravytrain, and if you find that  a great season is  occurring during a warm enso, which of course would mean a spike of global  temps, there can be only one solution… dump football and pour all your money into the wrestling program!  For some of you that would mean starting up a wrestling program,  but you wont have to worry about Title  9 since you would have dumped  85 plus scholarships.

Sometimes one must fight the absurd, with the absurd





About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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18 Responses to Joe Bastardi Positively Correlates The Climate To Football Results

  1. gregole says:


    I think you are onto something. I’ve got justification now to pay close attention to college football.

    And “though the 1971 season was left out which was a cold event But I was just using a trick, so I left it out. I don’t want anything in here to mess with my theory.” Excellent. Just like the professional Climate Scientists do it.

  2. Don Gaddes says:

    Hopefully, this is the end of Joe Bastardi and his ENSO bullshit!

  3. Robertvdl says:

    Football players can pay a higher food price

    CHICAGO, Jul 9, 2012 (UPI via COMTEX) —

    U.S. grain futures rallied Monday on the Chicago Board of Trade as hot, dry temperatures weighed on the outlook for this year’s crops.

    Corn was up 32 to 37, soybeans were up 39 1/2 to up 45 1/4, wheat was up 19 1/2 up 22 and oats were up 16 to up 23 1/4.

  4. kramer says:

    But I was just using a trick, so I left it out. I don’t want anything in here to mess with my theory.

    LOL, that was funny!

  5. Andy DC says:

    Maybe Joe can correlate ENSO to the number of times Jerry Sandusky had illicit sex and the number of times Mikey Mann used illicit data.

  6. Doug MacIver says:

    enso,acronym for “Enough No Sandusky Outrage”

  7. What happens if football shuts down?

  8. Don Gaddes says:

    Your loyalty is admirable Steven, but I’m sure Joe can defend himself. (or can he?)
    You seemingly can’t explain what a PDO ‘flip’ is Joe. You simply ‘leave out’ a previously invoked supposed 2007 PDO ‘flip’ from a previous post. You haven’t got the time (or the inclination) to enlighten us on the details of your (paid for) ‘forecast method’, though you have time to indulge in frivolous exercises,(as above.) Yes, I do recognize ‘satire’, but you have more serious considerations to address, if you wish to be regarded as anything other than a ‘satirist.’ ( Hoegh-Guldberg, John Cook, Tom Curtis etc, are ‘paid for’ also.)
    According to the BoM every Weather event is ’caused’ by El Nino/La Nina,( usually after the event,) If your forecast is based on ENSO, in my opinion it is ‘bullshit’. ENSO has never been able to produce a substantiated, accurate forecast method in the forty years since it left the University of East Anglia. I will be the first to apologise if you prove me wrong.

  9. Don Gaddes says:

    So, a PDO ‘flip’ involves temperature rise and takes one day, (or one year) to manifest? (1976 – 1977.) What instigates it, and why did it only occur in Alaska? If that was ‘THE’ PDO ‘flip’, Why did Joe quote a PDO ‘flip’ for 2007 among others (‘late 1940’s’ and 1952 ish) – and then leave it out? What happened in 2007 that constituted a PDO ‘flip’ (and where?)
    My point being, if the ENSO crowd is going to use a PDO ‘flip’ to explain weather events, it needs to document and define its ‘manifestation’, otherwise it is meaningless.
    So I am not seen as completely ‘negative’. 2007 saw a ‘spike’ in volcanic activity (albedo) in June/July (Chile, Ecuador, etc.) I suggest something of the same phenomenon happened in 1976 – 77, causing an alleviation in the prevailing ‘Dry’ Cycle. (see ‘Tomorrow’s Weather’ Alex S. Gaddes 1990.) An updated version of the above work (with ‘Dry’ Cycle forecasts to 2055,) is available as a free pdf from [email protected]
    Hope to receive your request for the pdf Joe.

  10. Tom says:

    I happen to agree. I have noticed a significant difference in temperature when Penn St decided to punt on 4th and inches versus going for it with a simple quarterback sneak.
    Now that I think of it, I believe that was my own internal temperature rising and not what was going on outside.
    At this point in time, there is no doubt that Penn State’s next national title could correspond with sleeting in July, tsunamis in December, and locusts, plenty of locusts.

    • The most annoying football game of my life was the 1977 Fiesta Bowl between ASU and PSU. I was living in Tempe and gave some one a 14 point spread on a bet. PSU was up by fourteen with about a minute left in the game. They set up in punt formation, but the kicker ran backwards into the end zone and took a safety. PSU won the game by 12 points and I lost my bet. I was watching the game at some bar on Apache that doesn’t exist any more.

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