Condi For VP

Romney picking Condoleeza Rice for VP would be a brilliant move.

It would defuse Obama’s race and gay baiting rhetoric, and force Obama to talk about the complete crap job he has done as interloper in chief. Condi is also very bright, unlike the current  #2 clown. Besides, she is from Colorado.

Kudos to Mitt for having the courage to win the election.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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33 Responses to Condi For VP

  1. higley7 says:

    HOWEVER, it appears that she believes in AGW and has bemoaned that we did not do the Kyoto Treaty.

    I find that a poison pill regarding her utility here.We need to avoid stupid and/or ignorance as much as we can.

  2. daveburton says:

    Romney needs to pick a conservative. Condi isn’t one. She’s not even pro-life.

    • Traitor In Chief says:

      This concern is real among the Evangelicals. She could announce she will support the party line, and take a very hard stance against late term abortion.

      I hadn’t heard that Condi was gay. Don’t care, and most conservatives won’t either.

      Romney also was on the warming wagon. But rather than entranced followers of the religion, those among the GOP who were of that mindset were most likely hoodwinked. They can learn, and we need to educate them. (Well, okay, Steve needs to educate them)

  3. dmmcmah says:

    I think Condi Rice would be an excellent choice. She’s intelligent, and very credible with first rate foreign policy experience. She’s a VP you can imagine as taking over as President if something happened to Romney. As Steve points out she nullifies Obama’s superficial advantages. It also nullifies the “War on women” crap. Also even though the vast majority of blacks will still vote for Obama regardless and many no doubt view Rice as a “sell out”, you also have to imagine that its going to siphon off some of the black vote. Even a small percentage change could make a difference in a close election.

    Finally Romney-Rice would really solidify the contrast of Adults vs. amateurs. Romney-Rice serious. Obama-Biden? Biden is a clown and Obama is a smooth talker.

  4. Eric Simpson says:

    Also, Steven, I’m hearing over at hotair from a lot of commenters that she, like Powell, voted for Obama. Some questioned that, but others maintained that she didn’t do any campaigning for McCain, and so was at best neutral. I like Condi though perhaps she is too much of a neocon at the expense of other conservative principles, and she herself says she hates politics, and doesn’t want to be vp. And selecting a black for vp won’t end the charges of Republican racism. Not at all. The loony left would use that as proof that we are racist, that we selected a black vp only to assuage our racist guilt, or as a decoy. Maybe we just wait to see who Mitt picks. As one hotair commenter said: “Republicans will never ever EVER win ‘diversity points’.” To which I said: “Got that right, so quit trying. We would just be the laughing stock if we felt so obliged to bend over backwards to their god of political correctness.”

    • If Romney picked a black lesbian VP, it would obliterate Obama’s campaign strategy.

      • Emanuelle Goldstein says:

        Nice image, but probably not. The black lesbians I work with in California will never vote for someone without a (D) after their name. Any one with an (R), even a black lesbian, would never be “black enough” or “gay enough.”

    • Eric Simpson says:

      I didn’t know that Condi was a lesbian! Ok, then go for it, by all means. This will definitely throw a curve ball, or knuckler, at O.

  5. lindasduby says:

    No Condi—-Allen West and doesn’t believe in AGW–a good Conservative–i love you Steven but she is a bad choice–

  6. orson2 says:

    Condi does date men. But has been too busy to be serious about anyone during the G. W. Bush years, I believe. (If she is lesbian, she hadn’t been outed yet-although the possibility remains, including simply being celibate.)

  7. Anto says:

    I’m an Australian, so it doesn’t directly concern me, however Condi has always struck me as being a very ethical woman. She would be a great choice for VP, in my opinion.

  8. Ben says:

    Mr. President,

    I want to laud you for your courageous defense of consensual relationships, and the recent directive to order a gay pride month at the Pentagon.

    My questions are

    1. When will you rehire the Secret Service Agents who practiced consensual relations?
    2. When will you order the “John” pride month at the Treasury department? It must have been so difficult for them not to be able to share with their more traditional co-workers.

    Welcome to the new hypocrisy…

  9. suyts says:

    Condi has stated she’s not interested in running for any office. She’s not a politician.

  10. leftinbrooklyn says:

    Don’t know her views on all issues, but from the times I remember hearing her speak, and the honesty in which she seems to embrace, she would have been by far the better choice for first African-American US President.

  11. She doesn’t strike me as being a power player. We need an uber conservative, hands-on, tough, no-holds barred, proven turn-around artist. We need someone who can go in with a slash and burn attitude toward undoing liberal damage. Someone who can cut spending 20% per year for 4 years and drastically improve output quality and quantity at the same time.

  12. Brian G Valentine says:

    I like Dr Rice.

    – She is a very good pianist. (Far more talented than Wild Bill was as “saxophonist”)
    – She knows what communism can do to a country (Her PhD thesis was Communist Czechoslovakia)
    – She spoke to State Dept employees (me included) in Baghdad, August, 2005. She made the trip just say “thank you” and be in Baghdad for three hours. I don’t think she spoke with anyone in Iraqi transitional gov’t at the time because she didn’t want to give the appearance of trying to influence the selection of a permanent Iraqi government.
    – Most importantly, shallow fleabag people like Barbara Boxer don’t like her, calling her a “warmonger” and “bush puppet.”
    – She has brains enough to understand what a wide spread and atrocious farce AGW is, which has become an ulterior route to Communism

  13. John B., M.D. says:

    Before the primary elections started, my prediction was for a Romney-Jindal ticket. I stand by that prediction. Portman will continue to help with debate prep and maybe get an advisor or Cabinet position as he knows his way around Washington D.C. Rubio is too young, inexperienced, and no executive experience. Pawlenty would be decent, but I think Romney wants a low-risk VP candidate but also wants to avoid the “double vanilla” ticket to avoid Democratic criticism, so picking a woman or minority would be politically savvy.

    I would be thrilled with Condi Rice on the ticket.
    I agree with many comments above.
    Her inclusion might even reduce the superficial divisive Obama talking points about the “war on [single liberal] women,” charges of racism, and repeated cries of blacks and the poor being victims (note Rice’s upbringing as described in her recent book).
    She is on record as not wanting the job, but she could be called to duty out of love for her country.
    She is actually coherent and can speak well in public – unlike it seems most prominent Republican candidates.
    She is smart like Gingrich but possesses discipline and doesn’t carry Newt’s baggage.
    She can be wonkish and sophisticated.
    The election will be about the economy rather than social issues, so her “pro choice” position won’t matter much, but would help take away Dem talking points (Romney being moderate on this issue as well).
    Rice would still need to demonstrate she can talk about economic issues – our experience with her has been just with foreign policy.

    A rising star, Mia Love?
    She’s a black female conservative Mormon! She gives great interviews.

    • Biden says that President Roosevelt went on TV to reassure America after the stock market crash, even though he wasn’t president and there was no TV

    • John B., M.D. says:

      This may be a trial balloon, or a distraction from the Bain stuff (Romney’s giving 5 interviews tonight), or a legitimate story, but regardless is interesting to see the range of opinions from Republicans. The far right doesn’t like her. The establishment GOP doesn’t like her. So maybe this means she would be a smart pick. It will be interesting to see polls on the topic.

  14. Steve D. says:

    I like the idea of Romney picking a VP smarter than himself.

  15. johnmcguire says:

    Steven , I read a hillarious comment a few months ago. Joe biden in a position of power is like michael jackson running a day care center , it just doesn’t make any sense.

  16. Brian G Valentine says:

    Joe Biden = Prince Charles with a poorly performed hair transplant

  17. Lou says:

    I noticed at Climate Depot that Rice was for Kyoto and also for LOST treaty when someone else brought it up. I looked into it and it doesn’t sound good. More of one world gov’t person. Is Rice still for that stuff these days?

    • leftinbrooklyn says:

      I wouldn’t put much weight into any ‘one world government’ stuff. It’s a nice, dreamy fantasy, but reality, & money, will always get in the way. Look at the EU. I always felt that Rice’s views at least came across as being based in reality.

  18. tomwys says:

    Put me in a projection room with her and my computer for under an hour and she will divest herself of the AGW stance and related drivel. This probably goes for Romney too.

  19. jimash1 says:

    I like Condi.
    She’s smart.
    She knows the Russians.
    Damn sight better than that old loudmouth we have now.

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