NCDC shows a warming trend for June in the US, which does not exist in the thermometer data. Prior to being tampered with, the four warmest Junes (by far) were 1933, 1934, 1911 and 1952.
NCDC shows June, 2012 as the 15th warmest June – but the raw data will show it closer to 22nd warmest (I am estimating that because the raw data isn’t available yet.)
Every idiot know that we need climate experts to tell people how they should have should have read their thermometers back in the pre-agenda days, to ensure those temperatures fit their agenda.
You might want to look at 1954. Here in TN, there is a period where for 2-3 weeks in late June through the middle of July the record highs are almost always 100F+ and in 1954. Of course that will be different now after a week of records.