Inside The Alarmist Mind

We have witnessed the amazing thought process of alarmists and lukewarmers around here.

This is what they call good data :

  • Phil Jones reports 1850s southern hemisphere temperatures with 0.001 precision, based on a single land-based thermometer in New Zealand
  • James Hansen reports theoretically impossible high temperatures north of 80N, based on zero thermometers

This is what they call bad data:

  • Calculating an average temperature of the US from more than one thousand thermometers,which are almost evenly distributed geographically. They say that the one thousand thermometers need to be adjusted by 1.5 degrees before the data can be used.

Has there ever been a field of science where experts were so stupid, and so completely full of crap?

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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6 Responses to Inside The Alarmist Mind

  1. John B., M.D. says:

    Do you think they actually believe the crap they are peddling?

    In my profession, we call them snake oil salesmen.

  2. johnmcguire says:

    Out here on the farm they would be called crooked , and that is only if there were woman and children present! What I really think of hansen and mann would get my post deleted. I think tar and feathers would be too good for them. I wouldn’t want to attempt to get inside an alarmists mind , I suspect it would be a maze of idiocy

  3. Eric Simpson says:

    The Warmists Have Lost Their Iwa Jima
    It seems clear that the truth-challenged warmists and their leftist allies have been ideologically motivated, and their theory is rubbish. But what is it going to take, in a public opinion sense, for their whole house of cards to fall? I think the warmists have lost a major foothold, and that is conservatives. And I’m thinking that this foothold loss could be compared to Japan losing Iwa Jima in WWII, as that became the stepping stone to bomb Japan relentlessly.
    And now in fact conservatives are indeed flying, with impunity, some sorties into the warmist realms. But the real potential of this foothold (conservatives [our Iwa Jima]) that we have now is that it will soon provide the ‘safe territory’ to launch a relentless battering of the warmists into oblivion. It is because conservatives are now hyped by the AGW issue, and they will in fact donate tons of money to any anti-warmist advertising & PR campaign that they see as effective.
    A good campaign, as it ran ads, would be self-supporting, as conservatives would donate in droves. So all the developers of the campaign would need to do is establish an effective creative foundation, and raise a minimal seed level amount of $, then, upon campaign execution, huge amounts of money would flow in, and the campaign could expand perhaps to saturation levels. Then, as far as public opinion, it’s bye bye warmists! Game over.

  4. Baa Humbug says:

    You know as well as I do Steve that these so called ‘experts’ are not stupid at all. On the contrary, they are highly intelligent crooks employed by the UN to perpetuate a fraud and lies to help the UN achieve its long stated goal of being able to tax the people of the world and become the superior governor.

    On the other hand, they may be seen as really stupid for thinking they are actually helping the environment when in reality they are just tools of the crooks and shysters of the UN.

  5. Jason Calley says:

    Well, I was going to say something mildly sarcastic about Hansen et al, but Baa Humbug says it so clearly that I can only echo him. These people at the highest levels are NOT stupid — they are criminals. It is worse than fraud, it is murder through deprivation and starvation of people forced out of the food market by the high prices induced by biofuels.

    God forgive the trusting and deluded who have fallen for Hansen’s lies.

  6. Justa Joe says:

    Hansen is such a political extremist he would probably push the warmist (read leftist) agenda for free, but since they’re paying him he may as well take the $million(s) of money on the side.

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