The Antarctic Trend

During the first 30 years of the 20th century, Antarctic sea ice was rapidly retreating.

Now Antarctic sea ice is rapidly expanding, as Gore Hansen and Trenberth discovered on their spectacularly failed meltdown trip last summer.

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This proves that sometimes sea ice retreats, and sometimes it expands. Alarmists only see half the cycle, because they are mentally ill.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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12 Responses to The Antarctic Trend

  1. Nick says:

    “Now Antarctic sea ice is rapidly expanding…” “rapidly”? Bullshit,Steve.

  2. Nick says:

    The newspaper excerpt makes no mention of “Antarctic sea ice”.
    It’s about the state of the ‘Great Ice Barrier’- the Ross Ice Shelf…not Antarctic sea ice in part or in toto.

  3. John Edmondson says:

    My guess is the Antarctic is a very stable climate, totally isolated from the rest of the planet. Even the climate optimum made little or no difference. Sea level would have been much higher if it had, which would have left obvious secondary effects. Raised beaches being the best example.

  4. The Ross ice shelf is about 500 miles long (coastwise) — not 250, as the 1932 newspaper article says — with an area of about 182,000 sq. mi. So a retreat of 30 miles in over a century (from Antarctica’s discovery in 1818 to 1932) is a loss of roughly 15,000 sq. mi out of 182,000, or 8.24%. At the present given trend of 0.9%/decade increase, it will increase by 8.24% in just 88.4 years, so it is increasing now faster than it was decreasing over the century and more after it was first discovered. In 1932, they thought its decrease “might imply…that the climate of the South Pole is changing and becoming warmer”. Now it is increasing even faster than it was decreasing. As a competent scientist (I was going to say “as your ordinary, run-of-the-mill competent scientist”, but I have found competent scientists are rare indeed these days; and I am actually more, having made truly revolutionary discoveries, including casually disproving the “greenhouse effect”), my professional opinion is that there is no indication, over the last 2 centuries, that the climate of the Antarctic is changing at all, and that the Ross Ice Shelf is fairly stable, varying in area probably by less than 10% either way (but let’s take a few more centuries of data, shall we?)..

    • Important to separate Global Warming Theory from Global Warming Theology.

      Global Warming Theology: Antarctica will melt (loose surface mass balance).

      Global Warming Theory: As per the last IPCC report, Antarctica will gain surface mass balance due to increases in water vapour overall. (It will snow more because there will be more water vapour in the atmosphere collected from elsewhere and it is too cold there anyway.)

      What has actually happened: No positive or negative SMB trend (yet).

  5. Sea ice around Antarctica has hit some record highs recently, but we only have approx. 30 years of sat records so there is no good way to work out what the natural range of variation is. There was some small degree of warming in the last 50 years but the trend for the last 30 overall has been for cooling. Antarctica is big. Some regions have warmed, some have cooled. Volcanism in certain regions that have warmed complicate the picture. But some of the warming could be due to increased ocean temps. Just as plausible is that they pattern of warming and cooling is related to atmospheric circulation changes which operate over long cycles.

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