Where do these people come up with this crap? The last 13 months has been barely above average, and almost half a degree cooler than 1998
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- Allan Shelton on Causes Of Earthquakes
He is picking up this 19 month continuous hot weather crap elsewhere and brings it here and post it like a robot without thinking about the stupidity of it all.Watch how he tries to ignore your rational counter Steve and spew out the bullshit in defending the indefensible because he is a warmist drone.
He is a warmist lemming who picks up the alarmist hot weather propaganda and help pollute the internet with it.That is why they are terrible debaters because they really do not know what is going on out there.
He is the definition of a “Useful Idiot”
The climate chatterbot got his marching orders and went to work. Seems like alot of chatterbots have been assigned to this blog lately.
This is the “If I click my heels three times and say it three times, it will be true!” crowd.
Nah, he just misspelled the word , he really meant to spell hysterical record . Hysteria describes the entire lot of the warmist crowd . Emotionaly unstable and subject to wild speculations fits hansen and erlich and gore and mckibben and romm and etc etc . I bet mckibben gets a tingle down his leg everytime he sees his name listed with hansens .
he really meant to spell hysterical record
The same old crap of citing minipulated data to score propaganda points.
He must be using James Hansen data. They heated the testimony room. They heat up the data too. And they turn up the heat on lying.