Obama News Channel Covers The Convention

MSNBC cuts every speech made by a minority from RNC speech coverage

MSNBC wants you to think the Republican Party hates minorities. So much so that the liberal news network cut minority speeches from it’s convention coverage.

MSNBC cuts every speech made by a minority from RNC speech coverage

h/t to Dave G

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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9 Responses to Obama News Channel Covers The Convention

  1. Jean Croton says:

    MSNBC . . . Racist bigots to their angry, nasty core.

  2. gator69 says:

    “Then, when Puerto Rican Governor Luis Fortuno’s wife Luce’ Vela Fortuño took the stage minutes later, MSNBC hosts Rachel Maddow and Chris Matthews opted to talk over the First Lady’s speech.”

    Maddow and Matthews. On screen together. No wonder noone is watching.

  3. rw says:

    What intrigues and puzzles me is that these people are so ham-handed that they always give their game away. They get caught out every time they pull a stupid stunt like this, but they still do it again and again. This doesn’t feel like cleverness; it’s more like a pathology: maintain one’s illusions at all costs or something of that sort.

    No Willi Muenzenberg Award for these turkeys.

  4. ganesha says:

    The Republican National Convention ejected two attendees for throwing peanuts at a Black CNN camerawoman and saying, “that is how we feed the animals.”


    I dislike Obummer as much you guys but the GOP is just openly fascist. Look how they have been running the party and the convention, imagine how these people will run the country. Scary.

    Now that Ron Paul is officially out I guess I will be voting Peace and Freedom, Libertarian, or some other hopeless protest party.

    • gator69 says:

      These people always turn out to be democrat operatives. They showed up at tea parties with Obama monkeys and nazi paraphernalia. They stand out like a giant red leftist sore thumb. Leftists have zero etihcs.

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