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A more honest slogan would be “How do we get this f$^%ing thing out of reverse!”.
To him it’s not in reverse. Things are going better for him than most people realize. It’s just that you can’t think he’s accomplishing what the average American would want to accomplish. What he is accomplishing are things the average American would NEVER want to make happen. But he wants them to happen—and they are happening.
Does he know about this? He must by now…..
You are probably right that the word “forward” has been used many times in the history to get people to march on without brain. It is often seen in relation to communism or any other non democratic movement.
You could see this word mainly being used when no other arguments work.
A soldier is being told to go forwards for victory. It’s an order!
1. Americans should read the Declaration of Independence and the Bill of Rights:
2. Our fears are the only power this toothless, communist tiger has!
3. So reclaim your birthright:
4. Tell politicians we will not trade our Declaration of Independence and Bill of Rights for their lies!
– Oliver K. Manuel
Former NASA Principal
Investigator for Apollo
Genocidal leader of Sudan named to UN’s “Human Rights Council”. You can’t make these things up folks.
This type of move makes decent people boil with rage and wonder why the U.S. doesn’t raise hell over these corrupt and indecent appointments.
At the UN? Name a UN appointee with integrity. Go ahead, name one.
They’ll do anything to make decent people sick to their stomach. It’s a game for them, like high school punks play.
Pretty Much, Brian! There is nothing they do that would surprise me anymore.
The UN may one day want someone like him to lead their plans for genocide. The UN is not a benevolence society.
A while ago, some UN Rep from TOGO, the epitome of a corrupt African country, was talking about the racism and discrimination against women in the U.S. It was enough to make one go ballistic. I think they do this for their own ego. Smacking around the U.S. and making appointments for spite gives them a thrill, I suppose.
This morning I saw some guy on TV talking about his org. digging water wells in Ghana. This is the same country who’s President took 26 million in foreign aid from Britain and bought a tricked-out, high-end, long range private jet. They are sick. Americans are digging wells for the people, while the President rides around in luxury spending our money. I see ads on TV all the time for donations to dig water wells in Ghana. What’s wrong with this picture?
This gives BHO a new figure to bow to.
Movie coming to theatres September 21:
“Occupy: Unmasked”
It shows who is funding “Occupy”. The topic may seem like an old one. But there are ties to Jimmy Hoffa Jr/Unions, George Soros and the Democratic Party. It is pertinent to Barack Obama and the election:
Reid had the gall to call the Tea Party “radical”, when it’s made up of some of the most decent and hard-working people in the country, who meet peacefully and never had a confrontation with the law or left a shred of trash behind them. The Tea Party, a true grass roots movement is trashed as evil and radical, while these idiots in high office praise the anarchy and destruction of the OWS, who left millions of $ in damages. They have lost what’s left of their minds. They don’t have a decent bone in their body and act like someone from the outside looking in when they are the ones who instigated the entire mess. When an doofus, like Moore, rants about the 1%, which he is a member of and probably most of the parents of those spoiled kids who didn’t even know what they were protesting, it’s a testament to the sewer they have created and wallow in pretending they care about the little guy. Thankfully, the remaining sane democrats objected to the OWS and they faded into obscurity and after the mayhem, the “leaders” have gone silent.
We have to put the adults back in charge of this country and with enough Tea Party members of Congress, maybe some sanity can be restored. Who wants a leader that has completely lost it and now thinks he can control the weather, along with a few of his mad scientists?
I have been calling them the “Insane Left” on the internet for at least 2 years now, but it has taken this long for the basic truth to gain some traction. I still don’t see people facing their incompetence in electing a blatantly-lying, characterless Obama in 2008, although I could see the truth about him clearly just from the Rev. Wright fiasco (which everyone seemed to just let slide right over their heads). “There are none so blind as them that will not see” is the slogan history will paint over this time — and it won’t be said affectionately.
My take on ‘Occupy’:
There always has been and always will be those who’ll attempt to run from their problems. Social media has allowed those people to find each other, and run from them en masse.
It was sickening to watch those air-head women celebrities swoon over Obama and talk about being a “community”. Is there anyone more out of touch than actors? Democrats, the party of the little guy and the working man partying with multi-millionaire celebrities. Eva Longoria said “I don’t need a tax break”. What you wanna bet she has accountants twisting and turning to get every single dime they can for the little lady? Why doesn’t Hollywood just volunteer to pay 75% to their “community govt.”?
Republicans had the lengendary Eastwood and the Dems had a bunch of women, like Longoria, who just can’t get enough Obama. They are in an entire different world and have no idea of what’s going on in this country. Have they no shame? The condescenion in their
prattle was nauseating, noting how rich they are but they sure would like for those working in a burger shop to get a tax break, but us rich people don’t need it and we are so happy to pay more. How so very kind of them to acknowledge the peasants.
Nov. 6th is going to be like D-Day and when he loses, there will be the sound of giant egos crashing around the country.
“Out, out, brief candle! Life’s but a walking shadow, a poor player that struts and frets his hour upon the stage and then is heard no more: it is a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing.”
For most Hollywood types, ordinary people are entertainment for them, just as they are entertainment for ordinary people. They get a laugh out of fleecing “low-level scum” who pay to watch them.
Same attitude in the White House, they understand each other completely.
Yes, only they don’t call them low-level scum, even in their heads. In the old days, in carnies (carnivals) and circuses, they called them geeks (or more politely, gawkers), which implied they were like the circus freaks — basically, a strange bunch that were mildly entertaining to look at, and wonder at.
They’re coming out of the closet with the Forward motto and they may believe it’s time for the U.S. to just accept the utopian socialist agenda.
Nothing has changed for the better since the 2010 Mid-Term elections and that is bad news for the democrats.
The Blue Dogs have dwindled to almost zero and those votes are a nice pickup for November 6th.
The VIX has been in the toilet for 4 years and whatever that number is on November 7th will tell our story for the following 4 years…
Author unknown:
The heaviest element known to science
The CSIRO (Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization) has discovered the heaviest element yet known to science. The new element is Governmentium ( Gv ).
It has one neutron, 25 assistant neutrons, 88 deputy neutrons and 198 assistant deputy neutrons, giving it an atomic mass of 312. These 312 particles are held together by forces called morons, which are surrounded by vast quantities of lefton-like particles called peons.
Since Governmentium has no electrons or protons, it is inert. However, it can be detected, because it impedes every reaction with which it comes into contact. A tiny amount of Governmentium can cause a reaction normally taking less than a second to take from four days to four years to complete.
Governmentium has a normal half-life of 2- 6 years. It does not decay but instead undergoes a reorganization in which a portion of the assistant neutrons and deputy neutrons exchange places. In fact, Governmentium’s mass will actually increase over time, since each reorganization will cause more morons to become neutrons, forming isodopes.
This characteristic of moron promotion leads some scientists to believe that Governmentium is formed whenever morons reach a critical concentration. This hypothetical quantity is referred to as critical morass.
When catalyzed with money, Governmentium becomes Administratium , an element that radiates just as much energy as Governmentium since it has half as many peons but twice as many morons. All of the money is consumed in the exchange, and no other by products are produced.”
Google Trotskyist tactics and see.
For example:
“The Guardian columnist George Monbiot claims that a group influenced by the defunct Marxist LM magazine have pursued entryist tactics amongst scientific and media organisations in the UK, since the late 1990s”
I think what I like most about marxists is their penchant for coining silly terms. English already had the term “infiltration”, & so they make up “entryism”. Orwell would be proud.
Great post Steve, really helps to expose Obama’s communist roots.
After the ’08 election, CPUSA leader, had tears of joy in his eyes. What else does one need to know?
Yep Obama is a Red Diaper Baby. I think David Horowitz would have much to say about folks like that.
Top China official Ling Jihua in surprise demotion
There have been reports that his son’s involvement in a Ferrari car crash may have been to blame.
The Communist Party would have wanted to avoid a scandal that exposed the privileged lifestyle of the ruling elite.
Yep great if you belong to the privileged ruling elite.
I think Obama got inspiration for the “Forward” thme from the Simpsons too. Is it me or does Kodos look like Bill Clinton?
Vorwärts! Vorwärts
Or got the inspiration from Kim Jong .
North Korea, Eco State
forward, jobs, jobs, jobs.
But communism sounds so warm & fuzzy…It’s, like, even got ‘community’ in it. Like, we’re all in this together and stuff. Don’t all your neighbors leave their door unlocked so you can go in and take their flat-screen? I mean, in case you don’t wanna go out and work to get your own? Jeez, what kinda greedy, racist, woman-hating neighborhood do you live in?
You should move to my neighborhood. We’re even stopping the climate from changing over here.
GOP Senators Urge Communist to Make Sure Troops Can Vote
Read Paul Kengor’s book, “Communist” about Barry’s mentor Frank Marshall Davis.
FMD was Obama’s surrogate father figure in Hawaii from about age 10 to 19, when he (BHO) left to study with Marxist professors at Occidental.
Mom, by the way, dumped Barry with Gramps and Toot so she could continue “Forward” with the revolution in Indonesia.
FMD is clearly the voice we hear through Barry’s demagoguery about bankers, corporations, the rich, government health care, solidarity with unions, “sharing the wealth”, etc., etc.
Formative years, indeed.
I can remember when I was about 12, my father called Communism “about the worst filth there ever was.”
I never imagined I would be fighting it here in the USA, of all places
Speaking of unions, I read that part of the reason Obama didn’t set up the stadium outside for his speech (or get much help at the convention), was that unions didn’t want to “help out” in NC, a “right to work” union busting state.
No more Madonna
That must make him feel pretty important, but lots more people support me with tattoos than him
“Democracy extends the sphere of individual freedom, socialism restricts it. Democracy attaches all possible value to each man; socialism makes each man a mere agent, a mere number. Democracy and socialism have nothing in common but one word: equality. But notice the difference: while democracy seeks equality in liberty, socialism seeks equality in restraint and servitude.”
? Alexis de Tocqueville
Remember that the US is NOT a Democracy.
The Pledge of Allegiance includes the phrase: “and to the republic for which it stands.”
Good point.