November 27, 2009
One of Canada’s top northern researchers says the permanent Arctic sea ice that is home to the world’s polar bears and usually survives the summer has all but disappeared.
Experts around the world believed the ice was recovering because satellite images showed it expanding. But David Barber says the thick, multiyear frozen sheets crucial to the northern ecosystem have been replaced by thin “rotten” ice which can’t support the weight of the bears.
“It caught us all by surprise because we were expecting there to be multiyear sea ice – the whole world thought it was multiyear sea ice,” said Dr. Barber, who just returned from an expedition to the Beaufort Sea.
“Unfortunately what we found was that the multiyear [ice]has all but disappeared. What’s left is this remnant, rotten ice.”
Arctic sea ice has nearly vanished, expert fears – The Globe and Mail
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I have not checked recently , but the last time I did it appeared that multiyear ice was slowly making a recovery from the last time it was blown out of the area . And the expert forgot to tell the bears that the ice will not support them and they are walking and hunting and living on what he calls ” rotten ice ” . Send him up there in a kayak to check it out personally , instead of sitting on his butt in front of a computer .
If you read the story he was “up there “ not “sitting on his butt in front of a computer .” This story is three years old!
Rotten ice is a technical description, used by ice people to describe ice, when it is melting:
Rotten Ice
Ice which has become honeycombed and is in an advanced state of disintegration.
I write a story headlining “Three years since’ and you correct us by pointing out that it was three years old. Brilliant.
adjective, rot·ten·er, rot·ten·est.
1. decomposing or decaying; putrid; tainted, foul, or bad-smelling.
2. corrupt or morally offensive.
3. wretchedly bad, unpleasant, or unsatisfactory; miserable: a rotten piece of work; a rotten day at the office.
4. contemptible; despicable: a rotten little liar; a rotten trick.
5. (of soil, rocks, etc.) soft, yielding, or friable as the result of decomposition.
putrid – bad – corrupt – addle – foul – decayed
The CO2 alarmists hope to resurrect their crumbling theory by pointing a finger at this summer’s declining arctic sea ice. It’s the only “alarm” they can hang their CO2 hat on. All the rest of their doomsday predictions (e.g. steadily rising global temperatures, melting glaciers, rapidly rising sea levels, increasing tornadoes and hurricanes, warming oceans, a mid-tropospheric hot spot in the tropics) have turned out to be a joke.
The fact that they can’t prove a correlation between rising CO2 levels and melting polar sea ice doesn’t bother the climatastrologists in the least. By the way, where’s all the melting antarctic sea ice? Are we to believe that man-made CO2 only melts ice in the northern hemisphere. The CO2 fraudsters don’t mention that inconvenient fact, because it contradicts their crank theory.
The “consensus scientists” are going to have to come up with a more believable scare story if they hope to keep picking the pockets of taxpayers. Instead of pouring more taxpayers’ largess into the grand global warming swindle, we should be arresting and prosecuting the ringleaders behind the “climate change” fraud before they can do any more damage to mankind and the world economy.