Siemens Layoffs: Wind energy company to lay off 400 at Fort Madison, Iowa, wind turbine blade plant
If not for Obama’s stimulus, unemployment would be 122% right now. He has saved or created 16 trillion green jobs.
h/t to Dave G
Siemens Layoffs: Wind energy company to lay off 400 at Fort Madison, Iowa, wind turbine blade plant
If not for Obama’s stimulus, unemployment would be 122% right now. He has saved or created 16 trillion green jobs.
h/t to Dave G
Illinois unemploymenet jumped to 9.1% in August up from 8.9% in July. Some sectors are booming though. The Cook County morgue for example has never been busier. Illinois Dems have provided the leadership needed to bring state and local government to new levels of theft and corruption and Obama will need four more years and both houses to implement that same strategy, that he helped establish in Illinois, on a national level. 🙂
Good news for birds!
I drove past that very plant on a long roadtrip with an old friend of mine this past spring and educated him on the monumental stupidity of wind power(less).
Let’s hope Barry’s next failed venture leaves him with stacks of regrettable bumper stickers.
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