NSIDC Increases Their Arctic Forecast

During July, NSIDC was forecasting a September minimum of 4.74 million km²


In the August report, they have upped their forecast to 5.0 million km². This is just below my submitted estimate of 5.1 for the minimum, down from my June forecast of 5.5 million.


In June, NSIDC also forecast 5.5, which was identical to my June forecast.

Different methodologies, but we seem to be converging on similar numbers.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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One Response to NSIDC Increases Their Arctic Forecast

  1. Jon P says:


    what was the Sea Ice Extent at the day you submitted your 5.1 prediction for September minimum.

    [Don’t remember exactly. A little over 5.5 I believe]

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