“Tear Down This Wall”

In 1987 President Reagan stood in Berlin and demanded that they tear down the wall.

Twenty-five years later President Obama has built a wall of lies, deceit, opacity, manipulation and hidden intentions around the White House. The press corpse needs to quit being part of the problem, and start being the solution to the problem.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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4 Responses to “Tear Down This Wall”

  1. phodges says:

    hey I agree about obummer, but I have just two words for you….

    • How many died from that episode?

      • phodges says:

        Well here’s at least 2 that made the news:


        “During the Iran-Contra hearings in 1987, it was established that the aircraft was shot down while participating in a covert operation devised and approved by elements of the United States government. The two pilots and a radio operator died in the crash, but Hasenfus was able to parachute to safety, having disobeyed orders by wearing a parachute on the mission.”

        Sound familiar? Spook disobeying orders and outing a black operation? No one coming to the rescue?

        Criminal government is no invention of Obama.

        • There’s a big difference between undertaking a risky military operation, and cowardly allowing your diplomats and security people to die, and then lying about it and covering it up afterwards.

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