Obama Claims That He Was Stupid Enough To Believe That It Really Was A Spontaneous YouTube Protest

“And suddenly three days ago this gets spun up as if there’s something new to the story,” Obama said in response to a question about Benghazi. “There’s no there there.”

The president continued, “Keep in mind by the way these so-called talking points that were prepared for Susan Rice, five, six days after the event occurred, pretty much matched the assessments that I was receiving at that time in my presidential daily briefing.”

Obama on Benghazi: ‘There’s No There There’ | The Weekly Standard

So Candy Crowley says he knew it was “terror” immediately, but over the next week worms ate into his brain and convinced him that it was actually a spontaneous YouTube protest.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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8 Responses to Obama Claims That He Was Stupid Enough To Believe That It Really Was A Spontaneous YouTube Protest

  1. phodges says:

    ah so now you follow abcnnbc talking points.

    The story is we helped al Qaeda terrorists take over Libya, and when a few turned on their cia handlers we couldn’t just bomb our own allies. especially when these same terrorists are our proxy army in Syria. more government lies or stupid memos are a completely asinine corollary.

  2. kirkmyers says:

    You have to hand it to Obama. He is an accomplished liar. What is truly frightening, however, is not his lies, but rather the fact that there are millions of gullible Americans who are mesmerized by his venality and corruption.

    Obama should have been impeached long ago for running roughshod over the Bill of Rights, launching an attack against Libya without congressional approval, and slaughtering hundreds of innocent civilians in Pakistan and Afghanistan with his killer drone program.

    With help from his leftist allies in congress and the media, Obama is moving very quickly to destroy the last vestiges of constitutional government in this country. For reasons that should be obvious now to freedom-loving Americans, gun registration and confiscation are high on his list of priorities.

    If there is a more dangerous person on the planet, I don’t who it is. America has put a criminal psychopath into the Oval Office.

    • Glacierman says:

      They all marvelled at Clinton’s lies. The story with Clinton was always how good he was at handling the allegations. Never did the truth matter. And I don’t think BO is that good at it, just that he is completely insulated and covered by the media who made him and cannot let him be diminished in any way. He is their creation.

  3. gator69 says:

    Well he did forget where he was born for 17 years.

    Obama happens.

  4. rw says:

    “There’s no there there”

    Well, it all depends on what your definition of “is” is.

  5. Pathway says:

    Great Presidential quotes.
    “Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall.”
    “I never had sex with that woman, Ms. Lewinsky.”
    “There is no there, there.”

    That pretty much says it all, doesn’t it.

  6. ARIZONA says:

    PRESS TO OBAMA,..I’AM NOT THE ANTI -CHRIST,ask any of my demons they’ll tell you we’re OK folks,hell is just a place ,just like anywhere else,and america will love living there,and as soon as we can get a world war going you’ll forget all about benghazi,you’ll have survival to worry about,so lets drop all this you knew about it stuff…………………………….

  7. ARIZONA says:

    SANDYHOOK,no ambulances,no doctors,no nurses,no one yelling for help with a wounded child,JUST MILLIONS OF COPS,TV news crews,LOTS OF HOLLYWOOD ACTORS,and no BLOOD anywhere,humm,no blood here,HUH,no blood there,humm whats going on????

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