My advisers told me that I needed to hold a press conference during which no one would bug me about all the scandals, and one of them suggested that I hold one where I say some gibberish about not using drones as much to kill Americans.
I liked that idea, and commented that it is amazing that they still believe my bullshit.
The Watergate disclosures stopped and started and ran hot for a while and then cold and took more than two years to come to fruition. Now it appears this administration has completely lost control of the narrative: Holder has now been directly implicated in wiretapgate. An IRS bigshot who was previously an FEC bigshot and is now an Obamacare bigshot has very publicly denied wrongdoing and then pled the fifth. And what’s the other one? (I lose track of them, there are so many…) Oh yeah, Benghazi. I don’t think people are going to be satisfied until we know who ordered the rescuers to stand down. And there are way too many people who know who that was for them to keep a lid on it, I expect.
Holder has now been directly implicated in wiretapgate…
but the president told him to investigate himself
I’m sure everything will work out fine………..
Jay Carney is quoted as saying,” The Administration had no idea about (please insert scandal of the day here). The Administration was not involved. We learned about it in the press. We were so far out of the loop we actually read about it in TOMORROW’S newspaper. So you can see we had nothing to do with it”.
Holder signed warrant for criminal co-conspirator Fox reporter James Rosen who was a flight risk:
No wonder he recused himself. Of course, if this is confirmed, he couldn’t have told us this earlier?
O wants to lead this Country, Way over due, that HE takes the BLAME and MAN UP!!!
Skeeter is simply an innocent bystander. He only ran for office because he heard there would be lots if time for golf and parties.