Vikings Farmed Here – During The Non-Existent MWP

Michael Mann says it is much hotter now than when Vikings drove their 8-cylinder tractors around Greenland.

ScreenHunter_595 May. 29 06.26

ScreenHunter_596 May. 29 06.28

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About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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9 Responses to Vikings Farmed Here – During The Non-Existent MWP

  1. Fred from Canuckistan says:

    Beautiful wheat crop eh?

    Wonder how the vegetables are doing?

  2. gator69 says:

    If there is a canary in the global warming mine, to me Greenland seems to be the likeliest candidate.

  3. DSC says:

    Correct me if I am wrong. Just want to make sure I understand Greenland ice pack. When I first read the elevation was over 10,000 feet I assumed it was on a mountain. Then I learned from internet goggling that it was all ice. Also, weight of ice has caused a depression in ground of around 900 ft. So does this make the ice thickness 10,000 + 900? You can find lots of information just goggling. No excuse for journalist to be as ignorant as they appear.

    • gator69 says:

      goggled: past participle, past tense of gog·gle (Verb)

      1- Look with wide open eyes, typically in amazement or wonder.
      2- (of the eyes) Protrude or open wide.

      Yes, that might work too! 😉

  4. Jimbo says:

    The Viking settlements were along fjords such as Aniaaq and Tunuliarfik (Erik’s Fjord). Archaeological evidence shows there were trees over 4 metres tall then but today there are none.

  5. bkivey says:

    “Michael Mann says it is much hotter now than when Vikings drove their 8-cylinder tractors around Greenland.”

    Well, duh. That was before modern environmental standards. The fact that it’s colder in Greenland now proves the effectiveness of regulating carbon emissions. What Micheal Mann means is that if the rest of the world followed Greenland’s zero-tolerance policy for agricultural CO2 emissions, we could start to repair the damage we’ve done to Gaia.

  6. nzrobin says:

    And if you had a sea level gauge connected to Greenland land, you’d see that sea level has risen almost 300 metres.

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