Video Game Addiction Is Hard To Overcome

Three days after Obama announced that he was going to cut back on his drone strikes, he is right back at it again. He just can’t stay away from those first person shooter games.

ScreenHunter_598 May. 29 08.30

Senior Taliban militants killed by US drone strike in Pakistan | World news |

He also closed Guantanamo in 2009

ScreenHunter_468 May. 23 09.06ScreenHunter_467 May. 23 09.06

Obama signs order to close Guantanamo Bay facility –

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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3 Responses to Video Game Addiction Is Hard To Overcome

  1. gator69 says:

    Obama is a regular gun nut! Drones and skeet, ‘all the time’. 😉

  2. I won’t waste any time mourning the loss of Taliban jihadists. Their like should not feel safe anywhere in the world, if the rest of the world wants to feel safe.

  3. GeologyJim says:

    Obama – All show, no go. He lies without concern or remorse.

    Without doubt, the most unqualified person ever to hold the office, and yet simultaneously the most destructive.

    This is what can happen when the press becomes a propaganda tool of the executive branch, when the Supreme Court no longer has the cajones to defend and preserve the Constitution, and the chief law-enforcement officer in the country views the Constitution as a series of obstacles to be circumvented.

    Pray that the Armed Forces, the Sheriffs, and at least half of the State legislatures remain firmly committed to Constitutional, representative, limited government.

    Or it’s “game-over”

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