Past The Tipping Point

Over the last two years, the alarmist community passed a critical tipping point.

They determined that it was no longer necessary to make any pretense of honesty, and that it was OK to lie, cheat and exaggerate all weather events, and then attribute them to climate.

This summer is going to be challenging for them. Arctic temperatures have been below normal for a month, and ice extent is the highest in at least 12 years. Forecasts are for a cool summer in the US and Europe.

NOAA and NASA are going to have to really crank up the BS this summer.

ScreenHunter_649 May. 30 20.49

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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12 Responses to Past The Tipping Point

  1. Eric Barnes says:

    Spinal Tap approves this message.

  2. tckev says:

    Well obviously they will announce the opening of the Arctic NW passage, and the hottest year ever record, with most of the US in drought, no matter what the conditions are.

  3. Eventually the core group of cranks (Mann, Hansen, Cook, Nuccitelli et al.) will be ignored by the media and sink into oblivion from hence they came. The rest will admit that the issue was exaggerated, but not by them of course, and they were right all along anyway even if the facts don’t point that way. Anyway, it never hurt Paul Ehrlich career. He is still worshipped in some quarters although he’s been wrong about nearly everything his entire life.

  4. Chewer says:

    There’ll be massive apologies from the psychotic crowd, including the MSM.
    They’ll all declare insanity due to twisted egos or cranial-anal inversions:)
    They’ll certainly admit how they’ve been duped by complete ass-wipes!

  5. NoMoreGore says:

    Prepare for unreality. Koolaid for all! Sugar Free!

  6. Andy Oz says:


    They’ll probably use the World War 3 size font to make sure everyone gets the message.

  7. Richard T. Fowler says:

    Spot on, Steven! One of your best editorials yet.

    “This summer is going to be challenging for them. Arctic temperatures have been below normal for a month, and ice extent is the highest in at least 12 years. Forecasts are for a cool summer in the US and Europe.”

    Yeah, and at the same time, just suppose there is a catastrophic growing season in places like Canada, Russia, and the Ukraine, combined with an exceptionally long and cold Southern Hemisphere winter. Not even Trenberth can spin that one. If those two things happen together, combined with the 12-year-high arctic ice and below-normal arctic temperatures … then anyone with scientific training who still says it’s CO2 after that, will be a bald-faced liar, and everyone else with scientific training will know it at that point!

    Now I want to send one question out publicly to the readership, right now. Anthony Watts, where are you?? Steve MacIntyre?? Ross McKitrick? Judith Curry? Why is it only small fry like Steven Goddard who is making points like this, right now? Are you telling me you haven’t had similar thoughts?

    Joe Bastardi gets a pass in my view, because he has been saying it’s coming, but due to the demands of his profession, he has been saying “in the next few years”. That’s good enough for me, and a good sight better than what these others have been saying.


    • You are wasting your time if you think Anthony Watts et al can be encouraged to admit it is “not CO2 at all”. They are committed, incompetent ideologues too, of the “lukewarmer” variety (as are Roy Spencer, Richard Lindzen, and Christopher “Lordamighty” Monckton, and many other “skeptics”)–and they are every bit as dismissive of “deniers” like me as are the alarmists. My latest blog posting (May 11th) on this fundamental difference between “lukewarm” believers and deniers, of the global-warming “greenhouse effect”, is here.

      • Richard T. Fowler says:

        I don’t think I’m wasting my time. I’m not trying to “encourage” them like widdle babies. I’m trying to shame them into saying what is clearly happening. I think all four of the people I criticized above are well aware that global mean temperature is plunging right now, to levels not seen since the 1970s. But I think they are each trying to figure out how long they can wait before admitting to it. Incompetent? Maybe in a sense, but for crying out loud, the Met Office is already starting to backpedal on the idea that there is decade-scale warming in progress. Our loudest, most widely heard voices on the skeptical side should be getting out in front of this, like Steven is doing. But instead, it looks like they’re planning to wait until after all the nut jobs have already conceded defeat, and then come out and say, “Look what we’ve found out! Temperatures are now falling!” That would be a disaster because the public may not figure out that we had it right before it happened, which could then lead to the false conclusion that theories contrary to the mainstream did not predict what happened. This is not a minor issue; it’s crucial. To see the most popular commenters go silent on temperature just as temperatures begin a massive plunge, to me does not suggest that they are too incompetent to see the plunge. It suggests to me that they are all too competent, and are thinking, “Uh oh. If I’ve been wrong about theory, how I walk that back without losing face among non-technical members of my readership?”


      • Richard T. Fowler says:

        A point of clarification: I didn’t say that I expect everyone to say that any warming is “not CO2 at all”. What I was saying was that when alarmists cite extreme weather events such as cold snaps and windstorms as effects of CO2, that is not a sustainable argument if every corner of the globe is either in the deep freeze or having historically cool temperatures.


  8. Richard T. Fowler says:

    My beloved wife just received this from Organizing for Action (she’s not an active participant):

    “All of our hard work up to this point only matters if we keep organizing when things get tough.

    “This summer, we’ll have a few real opportunities to make big steps forward. President Obama is counting on the millions of us who care about making progress to step up and show it.

    “If you believe in the power of ordinary Americans to make change, now is the time to say you’re ready to be a part of the movement that will get it done: [link]”

    You see, Harry, they know what’s going on, and they’re in full-blown panic mode right now. It’s not unreasonable, under such circumstances, to expect the loudest, most heard voices that are critical of advancing Leninism to strike while the iron’s hot … and to make some noise if they don’t. We may only have one chance to stop these people. For various reasons, I cannot be a big-time blogger. But I expect better from these people when the opposition is in full-on retreat! And I know they are competent enough to see the need for it, and to formulate appropriate responses.


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