Obama Acknowledges That World Leaders Don’t Take Him Seriously

ScreenHunter_378 Jun. 27 08.43

President Barack Obama has said there will be no “wheeling and dealing” as part of extradition efforts against US intelligence leaker Edward Snowden.

i.e. no one in Russia takes him seriously

Speaking on a visit to the West African nation of Senegal, Mr Obama also said the case would be dealt with through routine legal channels.

That ought to work

“I am not going to be scrambling jets to get a 29-year-old hacker,” he added.

Hacker? He was a contractor given access to the data by the government. Sending US military jets to the Moscow Airport sounds like an ingenious plan.

Mr Snowden, who faces espionage charges, flew to Moscow last weekend and requested asylum in Ecuador.

Mr Obama said on Thursday that he had not called China and Russia’s presidents about the case, adding: “I shouldn’t have to.”

i.e. he doesn’t want to get laughed at by other world lesders

‘Damage done’

He told a news conference in the Senegalese capital Dakar: “I’m not going to have one case of a suspect who we’re trying to extradite suddenly being elevated to the point where I’ve got to start doing wheeling and dealing and trading on a whole host of other issues.”

i.e. all that national security crisis talk earlier in the week was just the usual bullshit


About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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7 Responses to Obama Acknowledges That World Leaders Don’t Take Him Seriously

  1. RickD says:

    Hell, no one in America takes him seriously.

  2. Traitor In Chief says:

    Doesn’t it seem odd to anyone that if Snowden is an experienced Spook trying to hide from CIA assassins, he’s not doing a very good job? Every media outlet on the planet can tell you his every move. And is he truly a whistleblower, or something else? Gee, we get that message from the media, too. We don’t really know anything about this guy apart from the pre-packaged saga fed to the public by the media. This story is being told for a reason.

    • tckev says:

      Odd? yep and has been for a while.
      They got the messages out that they wanted to –
      1. If you’re in the USA and a terrorist, a dissident, or anyone deemed persona non grata we (the US government) are spying on ‘everything’ about you and yours, and we’ll get you. We also hack better than anyone.
      2. For those outside the USA and a terrorist, dissident, hackers or anyone deemed persona non grata, we (the US government) are spying on lots about you and yours, and we’ll get you. We also hack better than anyone.

      But because of the lack of factual corroborative information to check Edward Snowden revelations against, either, both, or neither statements may or may not be false.

  3. Bob Koss says:

    Obama ruled out scrambling jets, but evidently a drone strike is still on the table.

  4. jimash1 says:

    And is the guy still in an airport in Russia ?
    They should have grabbed him in Hong Kong.

  5. gofer says:

    A couple men plant a bomb that kills several people and we are admonished to not to jump to conclusions and they are just radicals not part of a larger group and not to condemn the entire group. However, when a lone madman carries out a mass shooting, we are told all gun owners are to be condemned and the the entire NRA is evil to the core and just pictures of guns are evil.

  6. papiertigre says:

    Yeah. But what if he had scrambled jets to get a 29 year old hacker?

    Would F 22 pilots take him seriously?

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