Obama thinks there are 31 counties in Hawaii, when there are only five.
www.whitehouse.gov/sites/default/files/docs/state-reports/climate/Hawaii Fact Sheet.pdf
h/t to Watts Up With That?
Obama thinks there are 31 counties in Hawaii, when there are only five.
www.whitehouse.gov/sites/default/files/docs/state-reports/climate/Hawaii Fact Sheet.pdf
h/t to Watts Up With That?
This is probably why Obama is clueless…
Maybe now he will release those college records, and put this story to bed.
Math is hard! 57 states, 31 counties and millions of jobs saved and/or created.
Can he name all the regions of Kenya? 😉
Carbon pollution ? Honest people don’t need to mislead.
What else would you expect from a crack head.
The blurb for Hawaii looks very similar to that for Illinois. Looks like most of the text is boilerplate.
CO2 has nothing to do with causing asthma.
Particulates, SOx, and NOx are all decreasing thanks to scrubbers. Asthma, allergies, and autoimmune illnesses may be increasing due to the hygiene hypothesis. Early childhood infections shifts development of the immune system away from allergic and autoimmune predilections. Fewer infections does the opposite.
CDC Asthma Prevalence: http://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/preview/mmwrhtml/mm6017a4.htm?s_cid=mm6017a4_w Prevalence is increasing as air pollution is decreasing (over last several decades), and there is no clear correlation between the asthma prevalence map and the pollution maps below.
Satellite-derived PM 2.5: http://www.nasa.gov/topics/earth/features/health-sapping.html
Pollution has declined even further since the above data were acquired: http://www.nasa.gov/topics/earth/features/coal-pollution.html
I do like clean air (I would not like to breathe the air in Chinese cities), but Obama and the left and climate-industrial complex lie to the lay public and low information voters. There are multiple etiologies for asthma, but CO2 is not one of them, and real pollutants contribute but do not tell the full story.
Corn ethanol is driving up food prices.
“In Hawaii, there were over 1,000 hospital admissions for asthma in 2011, with an average
charge of over $21,800 for each stay.”
“CO2 has nothing to do with causing asthma.
Particulates, SOx, and NOx are all decreasing thanks to scrubbers. ”
No scrubbers on active volcanoes.