Southwest Permanent Drought Update

New Mexico is expecting 600% of normal precipitation this week.

ScreenHunter_486 Jul. 01 07.23

10-Day Precipitation Outlook for the Conterminous U.S.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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6 Responses to Southwest Permanent Drought Update

  1. Andy DC says:

    Even in the Phoenix area, the dewpoints have risen to around 60, which is high for them. The heatwave has peaked and some scattered thunderstorms have started to break out.

  2. GeologyJim says:

    “Unprecedented” (TM – “climate science”) monsoon.

    right on schedule

  3. craigm350 says:

    Reblogged this on CraigM350 and commented:
    It must be CO2 which is why history repeats (1975)
    During cooler climatic periods the high-altitude winds are broken up into irregular cells by weaker and more plentiful pressure centers, causing formation of a “meridional circulation” pattern. These small, weak cells may stagnate over vast areas for many months, bringing unseasonably cold weather on one side and unseasonably warm weather on the other. Droughts and floods become more frequent and may alternate season to season, as they did last year in India. Thus, while the hemisphere as a whole is cooler,individual areas may alternately break temperature and precipitation records at both extremes.”

  4. phodges says:

    Shit. Prescott Hotshots burned over, 19 dead, almost the whole crew.

    These guys do take big risks…IC stated he believes they chose too small of a safety zone.
    One of my guys was on a fire with them and saw them get burned over just a few years ago…but it was light fuels and they had an adequate rocky safety zone.

  5. Andy DC says:

    Afternoon temperatures in West Texas and eastern New Mexico are in the 60’s, a good 30 degrees below normal for July.

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