Borenstein Making Stuff Up Again

The current heat wave over California, Nevada, Arizona and New Mexico has temperatures hitting triple digits, with little relief at night. Hot weather is also baking the rest of the far West, including Washington, Oregon, Idaho, and parts of Utah and Montana.

New Mexico is hot? The Santa Fe Opera opening night almost got washed out by heavy rain on Friday. 63F there right now.

ScreenHunter_500 Jul. 01 21.34

Santa Fe, NM Weather Forecast from Weather Underground

Then he claimed that Phoenix had their warmest night ever.

Phoenix set a record for highest nighttime temperature: 91

In 1989 and 1990, Phoenix recorded multiple minimum temperatures of 93 and 92 in June, July and August.

Maricopa County Arizona Weather – Records by the Month

Alarmists seem to feel that it is OK to just make nonsense up.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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6 Responses to Borenstein Making Stuff Up Again

  1. Andy DC says:

    The highest low tempeature ever recorded in Phoenix is 96 degrees, set on July 15, 2003. So if you are an alarmist, you make up misinformation on the fly.

    • At ASU in the 1970s we used to play basketball after midnight, when the temperature started to drop below 100.

      • PaddikJ says:

        I worked with a couple of framers in Denver in the late ’70s who told me they used to roll out at 4:00AM in Phoenix, work till 10:00AM, then take a siesta till late evening when the temperature had dropped below 100 before putting in their remaining 2 hours.

  2. Andy Oz says:

    The Arctic isn’t melting so they need to panic people by saying ‘Look over there, look over there!!!” Numbskis extraordinaire.

  3. phodges says:

    Just a few days ago it was snowing in the northwest.

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