Government Lynching of George Zimmerman Not Going According To Plan

Assistant Prosecutor Bernie de la Rionda appeared frustrated at times by the prosecution witness’ testimony, which, like previous witnesses put on by the state, at times seemed to put Zimmerman in a sympathetic light. Several times, De La Rionda turned his back on the witness stand and looked to his co-counsel, almost in frustration.

Lead police detective to return to witness stand in Zimmerman trial | Fox News

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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9 Responses to Government Lynching of George Zimmerman Not Going According To Plan

  1. philjourdan says:

    If this was the defense’s case, I would say they had a weak case. But being as it is the prosecution’s case, the judge should throw it out before it ever gets to the jury. But that is just the law side of it. The political side is the judge will not.

  2. RickD says:

    I have been watching this on and off in the background. I’m not a lawyer but it appears to me they Prosecution AND the Defense are doing the same thing… trying to make CLEAR to the jury that Zimmerman defended himself against a thug. The Prosecution is working with great care to APPEAR to be trying to convict him, but pulling all these witnesses in that are hostile witnesses to the prosecution.

  3. RickD says:

    Someone else posted earlier today that Sanford is preparing for the worst, in case Zimmerman is found not guilty. I hope they call in the National Guard, because they are going to need them. There, and Miami, Los Angeles, Detroit, Chicago and numerous other large cities. There WILL be riots.

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