CO2 To Destroy The Planet In One Billion Years

Astrobiologists from Scotland’s St Andrew’s University have predicted a death date for the Earth, which is 4.54 billion-years-old, as 2000002013, making our home a relative 50 in human years.

According to leading scientist Jack O’Malley-James, life on Earth will perish in more than a billion years when a warming sun boils oceans and forces out CO2, damning plants and subsequently animals.

Watch out for the hot flushes (a few billion years away): Earth enters its mid-life crisis – News – The Independent

Ignore the boiling oceans. It is the CO2 that is going to kill you.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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7 Responses to CO2 To Destroy The Planet In One Billion Years

  1. miked1947 says:

    The Sky Is Falling! The Sky Is Falling! Run for Cover! Well a VERRRRY slow walk might do! 😉

  2. Considering that modern man evolved roughly 0.0005 billion years ago, roughly 2000 versions of evolved beings derived from man will arise before the end. Hopefully within one of those forms, intelligent life will be found. If it doesn’t, man and his progeny will be long gone before the end. Not that it matters to any of us now. Few of us who are alive today have more than a slight chance of making it beyond 2200 and most of us no chance.

    So live the life you have NOW and forget about the imaginary horrors that can happen a billion years from now. Nothing you can do will make a damn bit of difference in whatever happens then.

    Remember? Entropy always wins in the long run.

  3. higley7 says:

    Look into the steady state, electric universe and you have a Sun that is a pulsar and not driven by hydrogen fusion to helium. Rather, the Sun runs on neutron repulsion energy on the inside and electric heating on the outside (the latter explains our glacial/interglacial cycles). Thus, we really have no idea when the Sum will immolate the Earth, if ever, as we do not know the life course of pulsars.

    Why a pulsar? It’s simple. Only the composition of a pulsar core remnant would produce the hydrogen and carbon that we find today coming upward from the Earth’s core—which is why we find natural gas and cooked products (petroleum) everywhere we drill deep enough.

  4. John B., M.D. says:

    CO2 doesn’t damn plants.

    Plants and animals are cooked at temps below 212 deg F – proteins and DNA denature at far lower temps. We call this “cooking food.”

    Sounds like the PhD (piled higher and deeper) student has been brainwashed in the language of AGW theory, not realizing we are near saturation in terms of the additional amount of longwave radiation water vapor and CO2 can absorb.

  5. Chewage says:

    The polar reversal of our core generated magnetosphere will occur quite a bit sooner than that and the graduate student who wrote the death date piece has an IQ of around 40.
    During the magnetic field reversal, the sun better stay quiet as a mouse, seeing there’ll be little protection from solar incoming during the transition…

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