Arctic Hole Slushy Update

Arctic alarmists have been telling us that this region of 90% concentration ice is a giant hole resembling a slushy – which dooms the planet!

ScreenHunter_204 Jul. 11 05.50

EOSDIS Worldview (Alpha)

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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5 Responses to Arctic Hole Slushy Update

  1. squid2112 says:

    Ice? Ice? … We don’t need no stinking ice!

  2. Bill says:

    Looks more like 98% now. Good rowing conditions.

  3. Fred from Canuckistan says:

    Greenpeace is letting you tell the world how you feel about global warming.

    • mikegeo says:

      Greenpeace as per typical, do not have any mechanism to express a negative comment on their actions. That’s the same way dictatorships work.

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