Anti Gun Nuts Demonstrate Their Insanity Again

A new Android app asks users to expose the home addresses of gun owners they deem “potentially unsafe” — and share that information with the world.

The vast majority of gun crime is committed by gang members in inner cities with illegal guns. They have no information about that.

“The gun rights community has been busy making personal threats (we remain unconcerned), he exclusively told

So the dangerous gun owners actually aren’t dangerous.

“This kind of reaction — automatically lining up on the wrong side of reasonable measures to improve the safe use and ownership of guns — aids and abets the crisis of child shooting deaths,” he said.

Gun Geo Marker app tries to locate homes, businesses of gun owners | Fox News

Children are about 500X more likely to be hurt driving to school than by a gunshot. Is there anything which lefties aren’t terrified of? It is amazing they can get out of bed in the morning without collapsing in a heap of fear.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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9 Responses to Anti Gun Nuts Demonstrate Their Insanity Again

  1. RickD says:

    Here’s my response to this application. I suggest everyone read this and follow the directions 🙂

  2. Glacierman says:

    “Is there anything which lefties aren’t terrified of?

    Total governmental control of every aspect of their lives.

  3. Roberv says:

    It is amazing they can go to bed at night and close their eyes without collapsing in a heap of fear.

  4. Latitude says:

    The vast majority of gun crime is committed by gang members in inner cities…

    And hispanics are counted as white…..which makes it look like those radical fly over whites clinging to their guns and religion ….. are the problem

  5. Kaboom says:

    Apart from having fun poisoning the data pool by tagged everything and everyone all day long it might also be fun to tag all houses around known anti gun activists to make sure the burglars know where they can safely shop.

  6. rw says:

    The bien pensants have gone to war against Middle America, and the sooner people wake up to that fact the better their chances for survival.

  7. Blade says:

    A new Android app asks users to expose the home addresses of gun owners they deem “potentially unsafe” — and share that information with the world.

    Naturally. They got away with the precedent here in NY when a newspaper stepped into the dangerous territory of mating Google Maps with pistol licenses. The idiot Cuomo and State legislature did nothing, in fact we are still under an opt-out scenario!

    The only solution is to pay back these c*cksuckers in spades. We need to start a nationwide database of leftist liberal scum complete with Google map directions and streetview photos.

    We start with the obvious Clinton and Obama voters, and supplement it with anti-gunners. This would serve the purpose of protecting the normal citizens from crime because the perps can use it as a simple database of ready and willing unarmed victims who won’t put up a fight.

    The dual-purpose will present itself in the event of a revolution so that the Patriots know exactly who to personally ‘thank’ for creating this mess in the first place.

    This would be the only thing these bastards would understand. rest assured they will continue pushing all the boundaries until they themselves get some pushback.

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