Understanding Natural Selection

According to Darwin’s theory, unfit individuals of a species don’t reproduce.

ScreenHunter_236 Jul. 12 08.48

Three people gored at Spain’s Pamplona bull running festival – Telegraph

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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12 Responses to Understanding Natural Selection

  1. gator69 says:

    We have far too many signs warning stupid people of obvious danger, and I blame lawyers.

  2. stewart pid says:

    Ouch … that’s gonna leave a mark!!

  3. There Is No Substitute for Victory says:

    What so many fail to realize is that it requires stones to run with the bulls in Pamplona as well as to father children. The human race owes a debt of gratitude to these intrepid runners for keeping our DNA in the forecourt of the game of life. To help you better appreciate men like the one in the proto, the very people who denounce the Festival of San Fermin the loudest, or who gloat the most in this runners misfortune, are by and large the same people who claim that the Earth has too large a human population, and who hope and pray for a epidemic of Biblical proportions to whittle the human race down to size. The size that is that THEY think is appropriate. It is also these same humans(?) who are invested (either financially or emotionally) the heaviest in the “science” of global warming all in a misguided effort to save humanity, yet with their other face they advocate for an end to the human race or at least advocate for an end to human civilization as we know it. The polite word for people like these is cultural racist.

    • gator69 says:

      Stones in your head! 😆

      I would venture 99% of those runners have no real experience with livestock, and to “run with” bulls is insane. I grew up around horses and cattle, and they should be handled by professionals, they are not pets.

      I’m sure blindfolded cliff diving is a rush too, and invite anyone who thinks it is a good idea to please try it. 😉

    • leftinbrooklyn says:

      Yeah…..I’m betting that the development of intellect that would tell us this might not be a good idea, had a little more influence on our species’ advancement.

  4. leftinbrooklyn says:

    Well, the bull, being of such obvious benefit and sound judgement, should certainly be allowed to reproduce.

  5. jimash1 says:

    Hmmmmm the global warming makes the bulls mean,

  6. Mike D says:

    Running with your shorts around your ankles isn’t recommended technique.

  7. hannuko says:

    Can someone please explain to me why they do this? Getting gored in the groin by a bull isn’t my idea of excitement, much less fun.


    And I can’t even feel any sympathy for the guy. I mean – he tried to prove he got balls of steel by running in front of a bunch of angry bulls and now his supposed steel balls are in the gutter at Pamplona.

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