NCEP is forecasting the first intrusion of Arctic air over Canada next week. If the forecast is correct, temperatures over the Northwest Passage will drop below minus 5ºC. It also looks like the US northeast may be getting some pretty cool late summer weather.
Since La Nina is strong
this “looks like the US northeast may be getting some pretty cool late summer weather” is normal:
But who will be the first to say cool weather in summer following the heat in New York (and vicinity) is being caused by global warming? I mean caused by co2. 😉
May be getting some? It’s already here. Yesterday was probably the last hurrah when we hit 89°F. Today was cloudy, windy and chilly with highs in the lows 60’s with an encore set for tomorrow (WNY). Might get a reprieve this weekend before the chill returns next week.
But I’m not complaining. Next month, Oct 12/13 is the 4th anniversary of the October Surprise Storm, when we got walloped with 2′ of heavy wet snow, which devastated the still leaf laden trees. So a little chill in the air is okay as long as the snow doesn’t fall till after the leaves have all fallen.
Can’t come a minute too fast for us in the SE part of the US. It’s 90+ daytime highs for the forseeable future on my weather forecast. Bah. Although my peppers and winter squashes will be happy! My A/C bill on the other hand…