Hansen predicted peak ice loss in Antarctica, in a region which has instead seen peak gain.
Surface warming is dead. Antarctic sea ice loss was stillborn. Arctic sea ice loss is almost dead. They have deep-sixed the heat into the bottom of the sea, along with any remaining credibility. Even the Guardian is starting to recognize that they are the worst scientists who ever lived.
No ‘Antarctic hotspot’ eh.
Where do they hide? Follow the yellow brick road. You will find a man behind a curtain. His name is James Hansen.
The Yellow Brook Road is making NEW daily records for Antarctica Sea Ice.
World sea ice is only -.10 below 29 year avg now. That is .10
It can still hide in the hearts those that attend Manbearpigapalooza where warming fear is an emotional blanket.
Behind Big Brother.
A seaside mansion in Montecito, Cali.
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The Arctic ice extent, is for now at least, showing defiance.