Ban Assault Cars

Californians can purchase these weapons of mass destruction without any sort of background check. Cars kill over one million people every year.

LOS ANGELES –  The driver of a car that struck 12 people on the Venice Beach boardwalk in California, killing one and hospitalizing nine others early Saturday evening, did so deliberately, according to witnesses.

ScreenHunter_196 Aug. 04 05.06

1 dead, 11 hurt after car drives into crowd on LA boardwalk | Fox News

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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9 Responses to Ban Assault Cars

  1. Kaboom says:

    Time to put a limit on legal curb weight. 75 lbs should do. You don’t need more to drive your shopping home.

  2. Disillusioned says:

    I had no idea we had so many assault weapons. We should probably voluntarily turn in our hammers. Or at least register them.

  3. Lets be like our warmista friends: Cars “could” “might” “possibly” kill 500 million people per year by the year 2030.

  4. gator69 says:

    Odd. They describe the killer’s car, sex, hat, pants and shirt along with the fact that he is in his 20’s, but seem to have left out a key element of his appearance.

  5. Zachriel says:

    stevengoddard: Californians can purchase these weapons of mass destruction without any sort of background check.

    False. The driver is subject to licensing, including a test of law and ability, as well as a background check. A history of recklessness, for instance, will result in a revocation of licensing. The vehicle is subjected to inspection and evidence of financial responsibility (insurance) is required.

    • I bought a car in California a few years ago. $2,000 cash in a parking lot by the San Diego airport and one signature on the title chain of ownership. No background check.

      • Hugh K says:

        No background check!?! Yikes!!! That IS scary stuff.
        Lectured by the palace guard media that the US is the leading supplier of these dangerous weapons of mass destruction to Mexico, how did you manage not to capitulate under pressure from Obama’s ATF (Automobile, Tobacco & Firearms) and drive the assault weapon to drug cartels across the border? Ah, must have had a tracking device….never mind.

  6. squid2112 says:

    Readying about this on FoxNews website, it took me about 3/4 of the article before it became apparent that the car was actually driven by someone. The way the article was worded, you would have sworn an angry, rogue, out of control car was responsible. I don’t believe they even mentioned there was a driver until half way through the article. Very poor journalism.

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