Understanding Intelligence Warnings

WASHINGTON (CBSDC/AP) — U.S. intelligence officials are dealing with the most credible terrorist threat in years as 19 diplomatic posts in the Middle East and Africa remain closed through this upcoming Saturday.

Obama has Al Qaeda “on the run

CBS News reports that a large-scale attack may be imminent as al-Qaeda terrorists in the Arabian Peninsula already have their orders and could be in place for execution of the alleged plot.

Why don’t they just ask the CIA guys who drew up the plans?

Juan Zarate, a CBS News security analyst, says this recent plot is similar to one from 2010 in which several European sites were targeted.

Right before the World Trade Center was destroyed, the US government warned that a European attack appeared imminent.

“People were worried about Mumbai-style attacks coming from the al-Qaeda core,” Zarate said, adding, “It never materialized but officials were worried that they actually had operatives in place. And, that’s a great concern here.”

Obama says he has wiped out the Al Qaeda core with drone strikes.

CBS News: Terrorists Already Have Orders, Could Be In Place For Attacks « CBS DC

Next Saturday, Obama will announce that he saved the US!

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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8 Responses to Understanding Intelligence Warnings

  1. Fred from Canuckistan says:

    Look, over there, a banana tree on the lawn of that big White House.

    Because life in ObamLand is getting weirder by the day. Because you never let a good crisis go to waste and if you need a crisis but do not have one, then you invent one.

  2. Chuck says:

    Washington stirring up fear to justify domestic surveillance IMO.

  3. shazaam says:

    DC has painted itself into a corner with it’s “Wag-The-Dog” scaremongering.

    If something, happens, then they reveal that they have wasted all the money spent on all the snooping TLAs (three letter agencies, NSA, FBI, CIA, IRS, etc. etc. etc.) Given they proved to be completely ineffective in preventing the event.

    If nothing happens, then the DC apparatchiks will have drawn more attention to all the scandals burning in DC. NSA snooping, IRS & tea-party, DOJ & AP reporters, Benghazi as an election stunt, BATF and fast & furious, plus the apparent TLA funding of Al Qaeda in Syria. There’s more scandals burning. I never thought that any president could make Nixon look like a saint. Until Oh-Bomb-Ya/Oh-Blame-Ya/Oh-Bummer showed up.

  4. Colorado Wellington says:

    Obama has Al Qaeda “on the run“

    Don’t be petty—he was misled by his intelligence briefers. They included a PowerPoint slide showing how Al Qaeda made a run on our Benghazi Consulate and when his speechwriter tried to confirm the talking points they were all hiding.

    When Obama finds out what is happening he will get angry and fix it. Make no mistake about it.

  5. Andy Oz says:

    Don’t pay any attention to Benghazi, NSA global data collection, guns for gangsters, or drone strikes on civilians. Be afraid and support your President.
    Message received.

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