Three More Of Obama’s Unarmed Florida Sons Commit Hate Crime, Obama Forgets To Make A Speech

This is shocking! Apparently you can kill people without using a gun.

The black teens beat the white sixth-grader for roughly a minute before opening the emergency-exit door and fleeing the bus.

As the relentless assault unfolds, the bus driver John Moody yells at the teens to leave the boy alone. He also asks dispatchers to send help.

“You gotta get somebody here quick, quick, quick, quick,” he urged. “They’re about to beat this boy to death over here.”

Vicious: Blacks pummel white child on bus

ScreenHunter_262 Aug. 05 21.00

The good news is that the bus driver didn’t profile these three little boys with skittles.

h/t to slimething

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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11 Responses to Three More Of Obama’s Unarmed Florida Sons Commit Hate Crime, Obama Forgets To Make A Speech

  1. swampsniper says:

    The bus driver isn’t about to stick his cowardly neck out.

  2. There Is No Substitute for Victory says:

    The white kid trying to steal their Skittles, night?

  3. JimmySpags says:

    It’s really a shame that white people stereotype and profile young black males as potential predators, but this is called self-defense. I have been the victim of three violent crimes committed by young black males. I try to avoid blacks everywhere and anywhere (especially Walmart). Unfortunately, my next door neighbor is black. His oldest son has been arrested three times (caught three times). He has also tried and failed twice to get on Social Security disability because he’s too lazy to work. I worked for the FBI for 27 years. I remember the day Pres. Reagan was shot and how happy the blacks were. I also remember when O.J. Simpson was acquitted and the cheers that rang out from black FBI employees. My father always said, “it’s too bad there are a few descent blacks, or we would have killed them all a long time ago.”

    • gator69 says:

      This is not exclusively an American problem, open your eyes.

    • Brian says:

      I do believe the fact that many of them come from broken homes is a big part of the problem, but you can’t blame it all on that. But if they act like apes they deserve to be called out on it.

  4. When I was just a child, in those “innocent” years before the world became something you had to personally think about instead of just experience as you went along, I was once targeted by two or three black older boys, in a department store men’s room. One threw a cigarette butt into my stall, letting me know there was ill will afoot. Fortunately, my older brother (3 years older, and he was born scrappy) was looking out for me, and he held the outer door open while calling me to hurry up. If he had not been there, they would have had a field day with me; as it was it was just a close call that told me something about the real world. The lesson? — There is this thing called black racism (that only white racists are allowed to talk about, before they are quickly shouted down).

    • gator69 says:

      I was raised a military brat, and the only colors I saw were blue and green. My father used to tutor and mentor young black airmen in Florida during the 1960’s, and they were frequent guests to our home. I remember dad letting me go for a ride with one one his students in his 1966 corvette, what a thrill!

      It was not until we moved to Scott AFB, and I started working in and around East St Louis that I realized there are cultural differences. It’s not about the color of the skin, but it is most definitely about the content of the heart. I had great parents and a caring community, the kids of East St Louis did not.

      You can create monsters with very little effort, in fact, very little effort is all it takes.

  5. Geezer117 says:

    Remember that 5% of blacks voted against Obama. There are black conservatives and black Republican politicians. There are black police officers and military who serve with honor and dedication. And there are blacks who raise their families the right way. It’s a shame they are such a small minority.

  6. I. Lou Minotti says:

    I’m beginning to think that Obamacare might, in fact, be workable–in a limited sense, that is. I propose rounding up all left-wing progressives, placing them for thirty days in one of our nation’s mental facilities for testing and drug-induced retraining, and banning them from holding political office for life. Scott Mayer writes, “So will there now be hysterical cries for increased car control as we witnessed with guns in the wake of Sandy Hook? Will President Obama exploit Alice Gripponi’s death to help further such regulation? Don’t hold your breath. The Left is certainly more concerned with an auto’s carbon foot print than it is with its carnage foot print . . . . An FBI official said that there was ‘no indication at this point of a terrorism motive.’ A recent edition of al Qaeda’s Inspire magazine recommended driving a car into a crowd as a low-tech way of staging an attack.”

  7. Brian says:

    Here is some more stories:

    “Police: Flint homeless man was stomped to death because alleged attacker felt “disrespected”

    Here is the facebook page. Looks like another lil skittles.

    He sayz he beez lovin’ hiz kids. He be havin’ 3 of dem and he want 20 mo.

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