Could Stone Age Hybrids Have Prevented Catastrophic Climate Change?

ScreenHunter_273 Aug. 06 08.40

Sea level rose ten metres from 8,000 to 7,000 years ago, flooding countless coastal cities.

ScreenHunter_272 Aug. 06 08.36

File:Holocene Sea Level.png – Global Warming Art

Obama says that sea level rise is due to SUV’s. Could ancient Prius cars have prevented this?

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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5 Responses to Could Stone Age Hybrids Have Prevented Catastrophic Climate Change?

  1. If they had run over Obama’s ancient ancestor, yes.

  2. scizzorbill says:

    Yes, plus a generous sprinkling of pixie powder.

  3. There Is No Substitute for Victory says:

    I don’t see why the last Ice Age ended because both Fred Flintstone and Barney Rubble drove pure hybrids with a 100% renewable power source consisting of Brontosaurus Steaks and Pterodactyl eggs.

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