Vote Here For Climate Couple Of The Decade

ScreenHunter_294 Aug. 15 23.59

ScreenHunter_394 Jan. 12 21.00

(aka Skinny Boy and Fat Man)

ScreenHunter_395 Jan. 12 21.19


About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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15 Responses to Vote Here For Climate Couple Of The Decade

  1. Disillusioned says:

    The two enjoying themselves the most. Those two polar bears earn my respect.

  2. John Silver says:

    LOL, I vote for the last one.
    Kinky bondage.

  3. NikFromNYC says:

    Moniz is pro-nuclear so has a strong conflict of interest against the biggest pro-nuclear argument of all, which is Global Warming.

    “I believe, personally, that we need to move towards establishing or re-establishing the nuclear option, quickly.” – Ernest Moniz

  4. S2 says:

    I vote for Marilyn and the polar bear.

  5. margaret berger says:

    I vote for skinny boy and fat man. I want the rhino christie hoisted on his own petard of climate science ignorance and out of the next presidential race. In office he could do as much damage as a billiry.

  6. margaret berger says:

    Sorry, billiard. And the lower case is deliberate.

  7. margaret berger says:

    My computer keeps correcting me. billiary

  8. miked1947 says:

    I vote for the Pika and his Girl Friend!

  9. miked1947 says:

    The first two do make a lovely pair! BAAAAAA!

  10. tom0mason says:

    I would have voted for Skinny Boy and Fat Man (aka Thick and thicker) but that look on dear Dr. Data Mangler gets my vote – has Hansen has just learned that ‘Big Clyde’ is waiting in the holding cell again?

  11. Tim Clark says:

    Skinny and Fatty

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