What We Know About Global Warming

  • We know that it was cold in the 1960s and 1970s, and temperatures rose after the 1976 PDO shift
  • We know that UHI has caused nighttime temperatures to increase
  • We know that it was warm in the 1930s and 1940s
  • We know that temperatures have been declining over the the last decade

Most other claimed knowledge is based on nothing but misinformation and fabrication.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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5 Responses to What We Know About Global Warming

  1. @njsnowfan says:

    Latest Satellite Pictures shows Melted areas on the Ice cap have refroze and water is not showing anymore.

  2. Until the true climate messiah scientist comes, to provide us all with a truly verified, true global mean surface temperature record, I don’t think we know even that much (assuming you’re talking about the global scale, not local and transient variations). I say the Standard Atmosphere is the true, stable equilibrium state of the troposphere–because that is what my Venus/Earth temperatures comparison (which utilizes the Standard Atmosphere model of the troposphere, and precisely confirms it) tells me. See “The System Is Broken: Incompetent Science and Insane Politics”, which expresses my take, so far, on the multidecadal ocean oscillations w.r.t. a true global mean surface temperature.

    • RMB says:

      What if surface tension blocks heat. Try heating water through the surface. No can do, only radiation penetrates the surface, thats why the heat is “missing”

  3. gator69 says:

    UHI raises daytime temperatures as well.

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