US/UK Arming Al Qaeda Terrorists In Order To Protect Civilians

Britain said it would propose a resolution at the United Nations on Wednesday authorizing action to protect civilians in Syria from chemical weapons.

Prime Minister David Cameron did not specify what that action would be or whether the resolution would explicitly lay out military intervention, but the British leader was scheduled to meet with his national security advisors Wednesday to discuss military options that could include airstrikes on Syrian defense assets.

“We’ve always said we want the U.N. Security Council to live up to its responsibilities on Syria,” Cameron said. “Today they have an opportunity to do that.”

He said that the resolution would condemn the regime of Syrian President Bashar Assad for using chemical weapons and authorize “necessary measures for protecting civilians.”

Britain to seek U.N. OK to protect Syria civilians –

Curious that the US and UK don’t care that the people they are supporting are ethnically cleansing the Christian population of Syria.

Syrian rebels, who are mostly Sunni Muslims, have repeatedly shelled Christian neighborhoods in the city, including Kasaa, with its wide avenues, apartment blocks and leafy parks. The opposition Free Syrian Army claims it strikes only government targets, but constant shelling of the civilian quarter suggests otherwise.

“The terrorists are trying to push the Christians out of this area,” said Isan Bahri, the 44-year-old owner of a mechanical shop in the Kasaa district of eastern Damascus that the rebels have been trying to capture. “They are not shooting at the army, they are intentionally aiming for civilians.”

Christians, other minorities in Syria fear ‘ethnic cleansing’ – News | Orthodoxy Cognate PAGE

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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9 Responses to US/UK Arming Al Qaeda Terrorists In Order To Protect Civilians

  1. EW3 says:

    Americans need to think differently about things when it comes to the Islamic world.

    Nations don’t really matter. What matters is Sunni vs Shia and sectarian vs Sunni.
    The current administration seems to be in bed with the Sunni side.
    They’ve backed the Sunnis against 3 sectarian regimes (Egypt, Libya and Syria) perhaps more. And they are seem quite willing to let Iraq collapse, perhaps because it’s a Shia controlled regime.

    • The US (and Britain–I’ll leave off the “Great”) have been acting as surrogates for Saudi Arabia for a long time now, as the latter doesn’t want to inflame its own Muslim fanatics against itself. And when you think Sunni vs Shia, don’t forget to add, all Muslims against the world (especially the Great Satan of the West).

    • beowulftoo says:

      Very interesting. I never thought of it as supporting one side or the other. I thought our president was being equally stupid toward all. To win (or just be successful) in Syria we would have to engage in nation building. Nation building has been disastrous in Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Sudan, and Egypt. Just about any moslem country we have tried it in. Maybe turkey, but that success was the doings of the secular gov’t of the ‘20s and ’30s followed by the nearly secular military until the ‘90s.

      • EW3 says:

        “nation building” amongst people who are driven by religion is not going to work.
        We need to let them settle it for themselves.
        Egypt is an ideal prototype of this. Many Egyptians are culturally modern. They are the ones that deposed Morsi, who wanted to take Egypt back a few hundred years.

        • beowulftoo says:

          The list of failed ‘nation building’ goes on (of course). I should have mentioned Libya and Somalia. But the best example of failed nation building (or worst example) would have to be Pakistan. They went nuclear, they continue a ‘war’ with India. They quietly support all manner of terrorist organizations. They split off East Pakistan (Bangladesh) so the Paks or Bengalis could conduct ethnic cleansing. The whole thing stinks! The Religion of Peace ain’t!

  2. edonthewayup says:

    Reblogged this on Edonurwayup's Blog and commented:
    On what side?

  3. phodges says:

    The same week the supposed chemical weapons attack killed ~350 people, the terrorists killed 450 just in one village.

    Funny to see self-identified liberals cheering on Obama as we again become Al-Qaeda’s air force.

  4. Don says:

    Obama merely wants to ensure his kinsmen emerge victorious. By that I mean coreligionists.

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