Horsetooth Reservoir Not Yet Boiled Away

ScreenHunter_528 Aug. 29 13.13

Despite what has been described by the school district as unprecedented heat, the reservoir is not yet boiled away – nor are any of the boats on fire.

ScreenHunter_529 Aug. 29 13.16

Fort Collins, CO Weather Forecast from Weather Underground

It appears that it is going to rain this afternoon, so we may have already reached the high for the day.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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5 Responses to Horsetooth Reservoir Not Yet Boiled Away

  1. PaddikJ says:

    90 degrees (forecast high) in late August in northern CO unprecedented? Flimsiest excuse for a 4-day weekend yet. Call Guiness!

    Either that or Physical Plant didn’t get the A.C. system cranked up in time.

  2. shazaam says:

    Quote from teacher’s union rep:

    That sucker’s gonna flash to steam any second now….. Keep watching….. Any second now….. Just a few more minutes…. Patience….. It’s just gonna flash away to nothingness in this unprecedented heat…….

    Oh, it’s too late to cancel the cancellation? Great!! Party time!!!

    (I’m betting that they don’t think they’ll use their snow days, so they want a “heat” day)

  3. EW3 says:

    Will this day have to made up by teachers and students? Or is this a freebie. ?

    In MA we start schools 2 or days before the Labor Day weekend. Gives the teachers and extra holiday. Also hurts the tourism industry as locals can’t take advantage of the last week of summer for vacation.

    • shazaam says:

      Dunno about Colo, but here in the snow-belt, the districts build-in 5 snow days. If they use ’em all (0-5), no harm no foul. If they use 7 “snow days”, they have 2 days to make-up at the end of the school year.

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