Plan B

Bombing Syria is looking a little rough right now, but there are other options available to the President

  • Send a SWAT team to gun down a fawn
  • Have a SWAT team invade a neighborhood in Massachusetts and force people out of their homes at gunpoint
  • Use the 1,700 armored vehicles, 6,000 assault rifles and 1,600,000,000 rounds of hollow-point ammo Obama has stockpiled for domestic use


About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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9 Responses to Plan B

  1. Don says:

    Make the kids eat the Michelle Obama prescribed lunches. SWAT them kids into submission.

  2. John B., M.D. says:

    Remember the DHS/ICE official in charge of purchasing ammo with the racist website?
    Was it for war against whites?

  3. Traitor In Chief says:

    There were some kittens stuck in the subway. He could deploy a few tactical teams there…. If there aren’t enough kittens they could always spray the crowd with some of the leftover Syrian gas.

    • EW3 says:

      Based on what happened to the fawn Giggles in Tennessee they would use the Syrian gas on the kitties. (google giggles, you’ll understand)
      I’m disgusted what has happened to my country.
      The people in charge are lucky that WWII vets are long in the tooth.

  4. slimething says:
    “The President does not have power under the Constitution to unilaterally authorize a military attack in a situation that does not involve stopping an actual or imminent threat to the nation.”- Barack Hussein Obama 2007

    • Don says:

      Of course Barry Bush is claiming that these weapons can get into some other hands and be used against America. They can always move the goalposts.

  5. He could assassinate Bin Laden again.

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