Press Bragging Again

Salon is bragging about their successful efforts to drive some children insane with climate propaganda.

“Younger generations are bitterly denouncing their elders in climate protests and mental illnesses are spreading as people feel powerless to avert catastrophe.”

This is what the world will look like in 100 years if we do nothing to stop climate change |

It isn’t clear what they are worried about however, since they say global warming already destroyed the planet.

Stormy weather – Global warming –

“A senior U.N. environmental official says entire nations could be wiped off the face of the Earth by rising sea levels if the global warming trend is not reversed by the year 2000. Coastal flooding and crop failures would create an exodus of ?eco- refugees,? ? threatening political chaos, said Noel Brown, director of the New York office of the U.N. Environment Program, or UNEP. He said governments have a 10-year window of opportunity to solve the greenhouse effect before it goes beyond human control.”

June 29, 1989

U.N. Predicts Disaster if Global Warming Not Checked

Ocasio-Cortez says the world will end in 12 years. She is absolutely right. – The Washington Post

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CO2 Targeting Pregnant Black Women

A few years ago when the New York Times still recognized the existence of women, they wrote this article.

“Climate Change Tied to Pregnancy Risks, Affecting Black Mothers Most”

Climate Change Tied to Pregnancy Risks, Affecting Black Mothers Most – The New York Times

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1911 – 94 Degrees In Greenland

“AN unprecedentedly warm Winter in the entire arctic Is believed to be the cause of the vast number of icebergs adrift in the North Atlantic Ocean during the present season and for the low latitudes which many. of them have reached Navigators and scientists of the Hydrographic Office and Revenue Cutter Service in Washington have theories tending to prove that an unusually heavy snowfall in. Greenland, where all the icebergs are formed, in the Winter of 1910-11, was followed by an unusually hot Summer, and by a very mild Winter In 1911-12, these conditions resulting in the creation of an enormously large crop of !icebergs from the West Greenland glaciers, and of floe, or field ice. Unusual northerly and north- westerly winds have blown these bergs far to the southward.

Last year, according to the officials of the Hydrographic Office, the thermometer registered 94 degrees in midsummer at Irigtut, on the west coast of Greenland. The Coast and Geodetic Survey has not made any surveys In the arctic for some years, and has no official data, but information has just been received by an official of the Survey from Donald R. McMillan, who was with Peary on his arctic dash, and who is now fin northern Labrador, preparatory to an exploration trip into the Far North, throwing much light on the question of the ice pack in the Atlantic”

TimesMachine: May 5, 1912 –

h/t Don Penim

May 1911 brought unprecedented heat to the US, including temperatures over 100F in New England.

22 May 1911, Page 1 – The Sydney Morning Herald at

This was followed by the hottest July 4th on record in the US, during a two week heatwave which killed thousands of people in New England. July 3rd, 1911 was the hottest day on record in New Hampshire.  July 4th, 1911 was the hottest day on record in Massachusetts and Vermont, and July 10, 1911 was the hottest day on record in Maine.

04 Jul 1911, Page 1 – The Scranton Republican

The 1911 Heat Wave Was So Deadly It Drove People Insane – New England Historical Society

05 Jul 1911, 1 – The Boston Globe at

En 1911, Paris suffoquait déjà sous la canicule – Le Parisien

NASA says 1911 was one of the coldest years ever.

graph.png (1130×600)

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Sign Of Global Warming

Thanks to a one part per ten thousand increase in atmospheric CO2 over the past century, temperatures of 70F (21C) are now red hot.

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“a massive reduction in population”

“Peter Koenig, geopolitical analyst and former senior economist at the World Bank and WHO, has covered recent EU scandals. His verdict: “It is long overdue to abolish the EU.” According to König, one of the main goals of the “Great Reset” and the “Agenda 2030” is “a massive reduction in population”. After little more than two years of so-called “vaccinations” – most of them compulsory vaccinations – there are already “hundreds of thousands, if not millions of deaths and lifelong injuries, as well as rapidly increasing miscarriages and infertility in women and men”. And this is just the beginning, predicts Koenig. Most of the crime will take place in the next five to ten years, when nobody can believe that the “Covid vaccinations” are responsible for the deaths of people. This was warned of by Michael Yeadon, a former vice president and chief scientist at Pfizer.”

8:13 AM · Apr 26, 2023

A few weeks after the plandemic started and long before the “vaccine” was supposed to have existed, Bill Gates said everyone would have to get it.

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Green Energy Progress

During 2021, global use of fossil fuels increased six times faster than wind and solar. The consumption of energy from fossil fuels was eighteen times higher than energy from wind and solar.

Global primary energy consumption by source

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Coolant – $34

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Melting Ice – 1923

“The arctic regions have been so warm this year that the whole circulation of the air around the world has been disturbed” “Latest reports indicate that the Arctic Ocean is now melted half way along the Siberian coast”

“Gulf Stream Flowing Hot”
“The iceberg service ships report that the gulf stream is so warm this spring that ice cannot last long in it. The stream has built a huge whirl of air ever Iceland.”

April 2, 1923

02 Apr 1923, 11 – Chicago Tribune at

A century later there is no shortage of ice along the Siberian coast.


Experts predicted Glacier National Park would be ice free by 1948.

29 Dec 1923, Page 5 – at

NASA shows 1923 as one of the coldest years on record, and are 95% certain they are correct.

graph.png (1130×600)

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CNN : Puppies Cause Hurricanes

“The more I learn about people, the more I like my dog”
– Mark Twain

CNN says puppies cause hurricanes, tornadoes, droughts and floods.

Our pets are part of the climate problem. These tips can help you minimize their carbon pawprints | CNN

Toki appears unconcerned.

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The Victims Of War

“the biggest victims of the war in Ukraine are the tens of thousands of Ukrainian men forced against their will as conscripts to serve as cannon fodder so that empty and weak Western losers like you can feel a sense of purpose and strength as you cheer from a safe distance.”

8:22 AM · May 1, 2023

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