April 20, 1920 Tornado Outbreak

On April 20, 1920 tornadoes in Alabama, Mississippi and Tennessee killed more than 200 people.

22 Apr 1920, 1 – The Macon Telegraph at Newspapers.com

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NASA Credibility Melting At 100% Per Decade

NASA says Arctic sea ice is rapidly melting and that satellite observations of the ice began in 1979.

“Summer Arctic sea ice extent is shrinking by 12.6% per decade as a result of global warming.”

“This graph shows the size of the Arctic sea ice each September since satellite observations started in 1979.”

Arctic Sea Ice Minimum Extent | Vital Signs – Climate Change: Vital Signs of the Planet

The 1990 IPCC report told a different story, which made it clear why NASA is hiding all the data prior to the peak year of 1979.

“satellite observations have been used to map sea-ice extent routinely since the early 1970s …. in 1972-1975 sea-ice extent was significantly less”

The Nimbus-5 satellite was launched in 1972. One of its purposes was to map surface ice.

“The data from the microwave instruments will also be helpful to ships operating in the Arctic and Antarctic regions,” said Dr. Nordberg. “Thin clouds, such as cirrus and stratus which are predominate in the polar regions, are relatively transparent in the microwave portion of the electromagnetic spectrum.

“We plan to map surface ice and water with the microwave sensors aboard Nimbus-E and we might even be able to differentiate between the old and more recently formed ice,” Dr. Nordberg said.”

20 Dec 1972, 12 – Times-Press-Recorder at Newspapers.com

Ice extent was even lower in the 1950s.

Projecting the climatic effects of increasing carbon dioxide 

The Changing Face of the Arctic; The Changing Face of the Arctic – The New York Times

In 2008, NASA’s leading climate experts predicted the Arctic would be ice-free between 2012 and 2018.  Since then there has been no trend in Arctic sea ice.

Star-News – Google News Archive Search

The Argus-Press – Google News Archive Search


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Faulty Memories

A few months ago the press predicted a warm dry winter for California due to “climate change.” The predictions were incorrect and now the press is blaming the cold wet winter on climate change.

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New Owners

Someone on Twitter liked my animation so much, they decided to claim it was their own.

3:52 AM · Apr 19, 2023

Alterations To The US Temperature Record | Real Climate Science

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Arctic Ice Free By 2016

In 2009 Nobel Laureate Al Gore said there was a 75% chance the Arctic would be ice-free by 2016.

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April 18, 1880 Tornado Outbreak

On April 18, 1880 tornadoes in Missouri, Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, Kentucky and Tennessee killed at least 130 people

20 Apr 1880, Page 1 – The Cincinnati Enquirer at Newspapers.com

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1880 California Climate Change

“Tulare lake bed in Hanford, California, is five miles from where it was four years ago. On the land reclaimed by the change are found the remains of a corral and cabin, and irrigating ditches can be traced running in straight lines. Wheat is now growing on the bed of the old lake.”

19 Apr 1880, 3 – Rutland Daily Herald at Newspapers.com


Tulare Lake Returned in the Central Valley After California Storms – The New York Times

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“Stuffed dead birds made into drones”

“A project for incorporating dead birds into flapping-wing drones might enable new ways of stealthily snooping on wildlife – and possibly spying on people for military purposes. “Instead of using artificial materials for building drones, we can use the dead birds and re-engineer them as a drone,” says Mostafa Hassanalian at New Mexico Tech”

Stuffed dead birds made into drones could spy on animals or humans | New Scientist

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Wild Animals To Save The Climate

Cattle must be replaced with other animals to save the climate.

“We call for new thinking that includes the restoration and conservation of wild animals and their ecosystem roles as a key component of natural climate solutions that can enhance the ability to prevent climate warming beyond 1.5?°C.”

Trophic rewilding can expand natural climate solutions | Nature Climate Change

There were 100 million Bison on the Great Plains during the Little Ice Age, but a comparable number of cattle now is heating the earth out of control.

This is how they are protecting wildlife habitat and saving the climate in China.

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Undermining US Currency

Apparently stealing other people’s money makes them not trust you.

“There is a risk when we use financial sanctions that are linked to the role of the dollar that over time it could undermine the hegemony of the dollar,”

Yellen Says Sanctions May Risk Hegemony Of US Dollar | Barron’s

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