Green Energy Math

Columbia University says greens need to make more investments in oil and gas in order to eliminate oil and gas.

“invest in oil and gas assets ….  before eventually phasing some of them out.”

Investing in Oil and Gas Transition Assets En Route to Net Zero – Center on Global Energy Policy at Columbia University | SIPA

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Artificial Stupidity

“Denver does not currently have a Major League Baseball (MLB) team. The only professional sports teams in Denver are the Denver Broncos (National Football League), Denver Nuggets (National Basketball Association), Colorado Rockies (Major League Baseball), and Colorado Avalanche (National Hockey League).”

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April 9, 1947 Tornado Outbreak

On April 9, 1947 a tornado  killed almost two hundred people and left almost two thousand injured in Glazier and Wiggins, Texas and Woodward, Oklahoma.

10 Apr 1947, 1 – The Guthrie Daily Leader at

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April 10, 1979 Tornado Outbreak

On April 10, 1979 tornadoes in Wichita Falls and Vernon Texas killed dozens of people.

11 Apr 1979, 1 – Fort Worth Star-Telegram at

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Zen The Climate Warrior

Zen was born on December 2 and made his first field trip today to study the global warming crisis in Wyoming.

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“too close for comfort”

Zeke Hausfather lives in San Francisco where they have been having record cold.  He says March was scorching hot and that earth has passed the safe climate target of 1.5C.

Perhaps he could make some specific predictions detailing the imminent climate collapse as his fake graph passes the meaningless target of 1.5C?

11:41 AM · Apr 7, 2023

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“Online Abuse”

Climate academics want to control public policy, take away our fuel, heat, light, communications, transportation, food, freedom and money – all premised on baseless junk science. But they don’t want to be questioned by the public.

2:39 AM · Apr 5, 2023

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Global Warming Causes More Home Runs

Climate academics have reduced all of the factors affecting baseball to a single variable – which is their baseless belief that US summers are getting hotter.

Going, going, gone: Study says climate change juicing homers | AP News

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ChatGPT Says California Is Experiencing a Drought

California snowpack is 244% of average, and ChatGPT says the state is experiencing “exceptional drought.”


Interactive Map

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Congressional Bill To Ban Dissent

“Tulsi Gabbard – The Restrict Act does a lot more than just make it illegal for Americans to use TikTok. It will give unelected bureaucrats the power to make it illegal for Americans to use any other app or website, monitor our every move, censor our online speech, and crush any dissent”

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