Green Genocide

Hitler killed millions of people, but climate alarmists’ plans would kill billions.

Half the World Faces Starvation Under Net Zero Policies, Say Two Top Climate Scientists – The Daily Sceptic

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Fifteen Years Of The Arctic Death Spiral

“Last year we had the forecast from NSIDC’s Dr. Mark Serreze of an “ice free north pole”. As we know, that didn’t even come close to being true. Summer 2008 had more arctic ice than summer 2007, and summer 2007 was not “ice free” by any measure.”

“you are probably looking at ice-fee summers by 2030. I’d call that a death spiral”

New NSIDC director on “death spiral” Arctic ice | Grist

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AI Climate Scam

Another example of ChatGPT ignoring the scientific method and simply parroting back propaganda from the Internet.

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Southwest Climate Crisis

Kirye and Toto studied the climate crisis in northern New Mexico and southern Colorado over the past few days.

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West Not Interested In The Truth

Like with essentially all other topics, western governments are not interested in the truth about the Nord Stream terror attack by the Biden Administration.

Some Western officials shun speaking about culprit of Nord Stream attack: Washington Post-Xinhua

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Climate Quiz

I took the 2023 photo near the Colorado/New Mexico border yesterday.

9:39 AM · Apr 4, 2023

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Saving Humanity From Carbon Dioxide

“A Belgian man reportedly ended his life following a six-week-long conversation about the climate crisis with an artificial intelligence (AI) chatbot.”

Man ends his life after an AI chatbot ‘encouraged’ him to sacrifice himself to stop climate change | Euronews

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New Mexico Climate Crisis

This area near Los Alamos, New Mexico burned during Spring 2000.  The fire was started by the US forest Service and then blamed on global warming.  The burn scar is now full of 15-20 foot tall Aspen trees. I took this picture earlier today.

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Bad Weather Forecast

6:09 AM · Mar 31, 2023

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97% Certainty

Academics are 97% certain the world is burning up due to Americans burning fossil fuels. My climate team investigated this morning.

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