Global Warming Caused Hitler

“Dr.  Mills believes that the rise to power of Adolf Hitler in Germany and Benito Mussolini in Italy may be due in part to the gradually warming temperatures of the world, People are more decile and easily led in warm weather than in cold”

27 Mar 1941, Page 3 – Globe-Gazette at

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Paris Saved The Planet

Professional climate scamster Katharine Hayhoe tries to cover up her prior nonsensical warming predictions, by claiming her and her friends saved the planet.

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CIA Controls “Liberal” Media Outlets

Part 1: CIA’s Extraordinary Role Influencing Liberal Media Outlets Daily Kos, The Daily Beast, Rolling Stone • Children’s Health Defense

Here is a recent Daily Kos article where the journalist pretends he understands radiative transfer and the motivations of scientists.

Daily Sceptic’s CO2 Saturation Argument Is Just As False Now As It Was In 1900

Hansen predicted a mid-troposphere “hot spot” – which is at the core of global warming theory. The mid-troposphere is supposed to warm much faster than the lower troposphere, because there is less water vapor there.

The opposite has occurred.  The mid-troposphere has been warming less than the lower troposphere.

RSS_TS_channel_TMT_Global_Land_and_Sea_v03_3.png (440×240)

RSS_TS_channel_TLT_Global_Land_and_Sea_v03_3.png (440×240)

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Evidence Of Climate Change

Sedimentary rock formations in the desert are now evidence of global warming.

The Latest IPCC Report Will Make You Sad. And Mad. Don’t Give Up! – CleanTechnica

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NOAA Climate Forecasting

Last summer was one of the wettest summers on record in the southwestern US, and now snowpack is close to a record high.

SW_Monsoon_TotalPrecip.png (4800×2400)

NOAA predicted a hot/dry summer for the southwest last year, and a warm/dry winter.

Interactive Map

Climate Prediction Center – Seasonal Outlook

Climate Prediction Center – Seasonal Outlook

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This Date In 1936

On March 20, 1936, much of the Eastern US was underwater. My grandfather was evacuated from a meeting in downtown Pittsburgh by boat.


19 Mar 1936, Page 1 – The Plain Speaker at

21 Mar 1936, Page 5 – The Evening Times at

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Declining Spring Snow Cover

We are having a near record cold, snowy and long extended winter in the western US. The US government says we are suffering from declining spring snow cover due to the burning of fossil fuels.

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Declining Spring Snowpack

The US government says the western US is suffering declining snow cover due to the burning of fossil fuels. We have near record snow cover, with lots more snow in the forecast.

“Large declines in snowpack across the U.S. West –”


Accumulated Snowfall (GFS 10-dayforecast)

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Perhaps She Can Get A Job Shoveling?

“No one said they wanted faster horses, they wanted less horseshit”

– Henry Ford

9:08 PM · Mar 19, 2023

Sophia doesn’t seem to understand the purpose of streets.

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March 20, 1875 Tornado Outbreak

On March 20, 1875 a tornado outbreak in Georgia left 25 dead 65 injured in rural areas of Hancock, Warren, McDuffie, and Columbia Counties.

25 Mar 1875, 3 – Helena Weekly Herald at

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