Still Spamming And Scamming

Michael Mann promised to stop contaminating Twitter with his propaganda after January 20, but he seems to be unable to keep his promises.

(1) Prof Michael E. Mann (@MichaelEMann) / X

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The End Of Snow

Every ten years the New York Times announces the end of snow, or the endless summer.

Opinion | The End of Snow – The New York Times

Opinion | The End of Snow? – The New York Times

With Warmer Weather, Different Decisions to Make – The New York Times

gfs_asnow_us_41.png (1019×678)

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117 MPH Winds In Ireland

Tue 19 Sep 1961

“Typhoons Kill 154 In Three Nations
LONDON, Monday (A.A.P.-Reuter).
—Hurricanes, hailstorms and typhoons in the last few days have killed 154 people and injured another 2,299.
IN IRELAND, Hurricane “Debbie,” which lashed the British Isles over the week-end, killed at least 11 people, in Ireland.
It was moving towards Northern Scandinavia last night.
The hurricane was said to be moderating.
At its peak, the hurricane reached 117.2 m.p.h.”

19 Sep 1961 – Typhoons Kill 154 In Three Nations – Trove

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The End Of “Climate Action”

After four years and a few hundred billion dollars spent on “climate action” by the Democrats, atmospheric CO2 grew at a record rate in December.

Trends in CO2 – NOAA Global Monitoring Laboratory

This is traumatic for people who believe the earth is overheating.

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Data Made Simple – Weather History Part II

In this video, I show how to quickly analyze the thermometer data at a single location.

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New Arctic Climate Discovered

“Great start for the newly discovered Gulf of America. Explorers note the climate is polar with heavy snow and ice observed along the coastlines.”

(20) Ryan Maue on X: “Great start for the newly discovered Gulf of America. Explorers note the climate is polar with heavy snow and ice observed along the coastlines.” / X

The Gulf of Mexico was warmer.

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Airport Runways Cause Bad Weather

“Expanding London’s airports & a third runway at Heathrow would be incredibly irresponsible amid a climate crisis. “

(3) Adrian Ramsay MP on X: “Expanding London’s airports & a third runway at Heathrow would be incredibly irresponsible amid a climate crisis. The PM knows this – he voted against a third runway in 2018. Has he now changed his mind? Because he wouldn’t answer a straight question from me at #PMQs.” / X

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Flooding Of January 1862

On January 23, 1862 California was having their worst flood on record, and the Ohio River was flooded.

Jan 23, 1862, page 2 – The Nevada Democrat at

Jan 23, 1862, page 2 – Lancaster Gazette at


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Moving To Detroit To Escape Global Warming

In 1988, academics predicted millions of people would move from Texas to Michigan by the year 2030.

“Detroit Free Press · Fri, Sep 30, 1988

Scientists predict Great Lakes could become an oasis
Free Press Environment Writer

OAK BROOK, Ill. — How’s this for a 21st Century headline:
Greenhouse effect swamps U.S. coastlines, scorches Sunbelt.
The secondary headline:
Millions migrate to temperate, water-rich Great Lakes region.

The possibility isn’t farfetched, say many scientists who attended a Great Lakes conference on global warming that concluded in Oak Brook, Ill., Thursday. The conference ended with a commitment by top U.S. and Canadian climate officials to recommend to their governments a global pilot project to study climate warming in the Great Lakes region.

Studies presented at the conference projected that the gradual accumulation of carbon dioxide and some other gases in the upper atmosphere may cause a four- to nine-degree Fahrenheit temperature increase in the region as early as 2030.

That could cause a decline of about two to nine feet in Great Lakes water levels and trigger major economic, environmental and social change, but many scientists say that — on balance — other parts of North America would fare worse.

Coastal regions would face flooding as polar ice melts and the oceans rise. Meanwhile, the Sunbelt likely would face severe water shortages as the climate slowly gets hotter, drier and windier, said John Topping Jr., president of the Climate Institute in Washington, D.C.

“What seems likely, based on preliminary data, is that the Great Lakes region will be the least badly affected of any region in the U.S. or Canada,” Topping said.

The Great Lakes, the world’s largest body of fresh water, would be the region’s trump card, said Topping, former director of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s office of air pollution and radiation programs.

In addition, warmer temperatures and sunnier skies in the Great Lakes region should make it more attractive to people, especially retirees, who have migrated to Sunbelt states in recent decades, he said.

Ken Dare, chairman of the Canadian Climate Program Planning Board, said: “The Great Lakes region is likely to become a major growth center. It’s just going to be too damned hot to live in places like Texas.”

Sep 30, 1988, page 3 – Detroit Free Press at

Posted in Uncategorized | 2 Comments – Data Made Simple – Weather History

Only four minutes on is enough to learn a tremendous amount about the weather history of the US and Australia.

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