2% Wind And Solar

Wind and solar are producing 2% of UK electricity right now, with snow forecast to blanket the entire country.

Wind power production as a percentage

Europe Next 3 Days Accumulated Snow

One in eight small businesses in the UK are at risk of bankruptcy this year due to high prices.

One in eight small businesses risk going under

The government’s solution is to continue the policies which created the high prices.

Energy bills may rise again without government plan to deliver 2035 clean power target, NAO warns | Climate News | Sky News

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Losing Is Winning

Ten percent for the big guy.

Fall of Bakhmut would not mean Russia has turned tide of war – Pentagon chief | Reuters

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Our Endless Winter Continues

We are having the coldest winter since 1978 in Wyoming, and there is still no end in sight.

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World Wide Heatwave And Drought Of 1540

Europe and America experienced an unprecedented heatwave and drought during the year 1540.

The year-long unprecedented European heat and drought of 1540 – a worst case | SpringerLink

Quincy Daily Herald, Jul 22, 1901, p. 1 | NewspaperArchive

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“The warmongers are trying to drag us into WW3”

“The warmongers are trying to drag us into WW3, which can only end in one way: nuclear annihilation and the suffering and death of all our loved ones. Zelensky, Biden, NATO, congressional and media neocons are insane”

– Tulsi Gabbard

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“The Queen Of Warmongers”

“”I could not in good conscience remain in a party that’s under the complete control of an elitist cabal of warmongers, led by the queen of warmongers herself, Hillary Clinton.”

– Tulsi Gabbard

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The End Of Snow

Decades of nonstop climate lies from all of the major western news sources.

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The Definition Of Insanity

The UK government says the key to lowering energy bills is to double down on the policies which created the problem in the first place.

Energy bills may rise again without government plan to deliver 2035 clean power target, NAO warns | Climate News | Sky News

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The End Of Snow

Twenty-three years ago the University of East Anglia announced the end of snow. Now the amount of snow on earth is at a record high.

Snowfalls are now just a thing of the past – Environment – The Independent

GCW Trackers

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Energy Diversification

After launching a terror attack to destroy the German/Russian Nord Stream pipeline, the White House has praised Germany for “diversifying away from Russian energy sources.

Remarks by President Biden and Chancellor Scholz of Germany Before Bilateral Meeting | The White House

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