Doubling Energy Costs

Wind power is not reliable, and thus requires 100% backup at all times. Consumers are paying for two types of electricity instead of just one.

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Doubling Energy Costs

Reuters claims “Wind overtakes fossil fuels for UK electricity generation.” Reality is that wind is unreliable and forces the UK to maintain both wind and natural gas generation.  In other words, the wind turbines serve no purpose.

Wind overtakes fossil fuels for UK electricity generation | Reuters

Wind power production as a percentage

Combined Cycle Gas Turbine(CCGT) power production as a percentage

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“You Can’t Hide Your Lying Eyes”

The faces of academics who sold their souls.

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Australia Permanent Drought Update

Twenty-one years into Australia’s official permanent drought, drought is at an historical low.

Australia Faces Permanent Drought | WIRED

No more drought: it’s a ‘permanent dry’

This drought may never break

Recent and historical rainfall maps, Australian Bureau of Meteorology

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Let Them Burn Wood

If people worried about global warming spent more time outdoors, perhaps they would have a more realistic view of the world.

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“New computer modeling”

“Dec 14, 2009

New computer modeling suggests the Arctic Ocean may be nearly ice-free in summer as early as 2014, Al Gore said today at the U.N. climate conference in Copenhagen.The former vice president said the new projections suggest an almost-vanished summer ice cap could disappear much earlier than foreseen by a U.S. government agency just eight months.”

Gore: Polar ice cap may disappear by summer 2014

Fifteen years later, extent is just below the average since 1979.

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Climate Destroying Shrimp

“Shrimp’s Carbon Footprint Is 10 Times Greater Than Beef’s”

Shrimp’s Carbon Footprint Is 10 Times Greater Than Beef’s – Mother Jones

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What’s At Stake?

Democrats scamming the public about climate, in hopes of retaining power.

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Too Hot To Live

The press says Arizona has become too hot for people to live.

Meanwhile it is still snowing on May 11 and people are still skiing.

Weather, Conditions & Webcams – Arizona Snowbowl

Maricopa County (Phoenix) is the fastest growing county in the US.

Growth in the Nation’s Largest Counties Rebounds in 2022

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What’s At Stake?

Hillary says survival of the world depends on Biden getting elected.

History shows that which party is in control of the White House has no impact on atmospheric CO2 levels, which are controlled by Asian countries.

Global Monitoring Laboratory – Carbon Cycle Greenhouse Gases

Annual CO? emissions

Four years ago, Scientific American pulled exactly the same scam.

Scientific American Endorses Joe Biden

On the environment and climate change, Biden wants to spend $2 trillion on an emissions-free power sector by 2035, build energy-efficient structures and vehicles, push solar and wind power, establish research agencies to develop safe nuclear power and carbon capture technologies, and more. The investment will produce two million jobs for U.S. workers”

Scientific American Endorses Joe Biden | Scientific American

Biden and Obama pulled the same scam in 2008.

“Help create five million new jobs by strategically investing $150 billion over the next ten years to catalyze private efforts to build a clean energy future.”

Microsoft Word – Fact Sheet Energy Speech 082508 FINAL.doc

“The 5 Million Green Jobs That Weren’t

In 2008 candidate Barack Obama promised to create 5 million green jobs. He laid out a plan to invest $150 billion over 10 years that would advance a clean-energy economy built around biofuels, hybrid cars, low-emission coal plants, and renewable sources such as solar and wind. How many has he actually created?

The Bureau of Labor Statistics began tracking green jobs two years ago, but it counts only how many existed as of the end of 2010. It doesn’t keep a running total of newly created jobs, so there’s no way to tell how many existed before Obama’s election. The Brookings Institution also has a tally, but it too goes only through 2010, and of the nearly 2.7 million green jobs it identifies, most were bus drivers, sewage workers, and other types of work that don’t fit the “green jobs of the future” that Obama imagined. The report does zero in on cleantech, which includes the wind, solar, fuel-cell, and smart-grid industries. In 2010, Brookings shows, there were 184,699 such jobs nationwide—up 2,642 since the president took office in 2009.”

The 5 Million Green Jobs That Weren’t – Bloomberg Business

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