1956 Winter Olympics Had Too Little Snow

“A light snow began falling to- day on Cortina’s craggy, snow- Starved slopes, raising hopes for ‘successful competition. It was the first snow in 15 days.

Officials already had planned to go ahead with skiing events on mountain Slopes surrounding the village but skiers reported the snow thin and dangerously fast.


– French ski manager Maurice ‘Martel warned that the downhill event next week will be “a race. ‘of death if it doesn’t snow soon.” U. S. coach Bob Sheehan issued crash helmets to his skiers. And women’s Olympic ski champ Andrea Mead Lawrence of Parshall, ‘Colo., who usually likes to ski on ice, admitted, “This ice is too rough even for me.”

Italian Olympic officials switched the women’s giant slalom event to a fresh site and hoped for snow. Just in case, more than 100 Italian ski troopers were up at dawn today shoveling snow onto the downhill run.

25 Jan 1956, Page 29 – Press and Sun-Bulletin at Newspapers.com

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Abiogenic Oil?

Since Elon Musk took over Twitter, there has been much better availability of accurate information about energy and climate. But there has also been an increase in certain types of misinformation.

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No Snow At The 1936 Winter Olympics

“Germany, Feb. 3——The warm weather “jinx” which has over- shadowed the Winter Olympics since their commencement in 1924, today showed no signs of letting up before the scheduled opening here Thursday.

The fourth consecutive day of rain today washed away what little snows were left”

03 Feb 1936, 22 – The Buffalo News at Newspapers.com

h/t Don Penim

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Abiogenic Oil?

A number of climate skeptics have been promoting the idea that oil deposits are formed from non-biological processes deep inside the earth, and that supply is unlimited. That claim is not credible.

This map shows all oil wells operating in New Mexico, January 2022.

Most of the wells are located in the Permian Basin in southeastern corner of the state.

“During the middle part of the Permian Period a reef developed along the margin of the Delaware Sea. This was the Capitan Reef, now recognized as one of the most well-preserved fossil reefs in the world. For several million years the Capitan Reef expanded and thrived along the rim of the Delaware Basin until events altered the environment critical to its growth approximately 260 million years ago. The outlet connecting the Permian Basin to the ocean became restricted and the Delaware Sea began to evaporate faster than it could be replenished. Minerals began to precipitate out of the vanishing waters and drift to the sea floor, forming thin, alternating bands of mineral salts and mud. Gradually, over hundreds of thousands of years these thin bands completely filled the basin and covered the reef.”

The oil formed in a coral reef, teeming with life.

Geologic Formations – Guadalupe Mountains National Park (U.S. National Park Service)

This is one of the top producing wells in New Mexico. Production has sharply declined over the last ten years, which is fairly typical.

The largest reserves of oil are in oil shale, which are derived from living things.

“In general, the precursors of the organic matter in oil shale and coal also differ. Much of the organic matter in oil shale is of algal origin, but may also include remains of vascular land plants that more commonly compose much of the organic matter in coal. The origin of some of the organic matter in oil shale is obscure because of the lack of recognizable biologic structures that would help identify the precursor organisms. Such materials may be of bacterial origin or the product of bacterial degradation of algae or other organic matter.”

Oil Shale Deposits | Maps, Geology & Resources

Living things contain lots of oil.

In 1980, I was working on oil shale development at Los Alamos as well as coal and natural gas.


I was also working on abiogenic methane, which is real.

In Depth | Titan – NASA Solar System Exploration

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“It Is Possible”

The LA Times says it is possible the world will eliminate fossil fuels and replace with wind and solar.

“The good news is we already know the solutions and have the technology needed to switch to renewable energy. But to succeed in curbing climate change, humanity will have to overcome powerful, entrenched fossil fuel interests and their beholden politicians. These industries have engaged in decades-long disinformation campaigns to delay climate action and try to cling to their profits for as long as possible.

It’s possible that decades from now we will be celebrating the near-elimination of fossil fuels and tracking the recovery of the atmosphere from our reckless dumping of greenhouse gases.”

The healing of the ozone layer gives hope, but addressing climate change will be harder – Los Angeles Times

A more credible story is that wind and solar are making almost no progress because they are unreliable and expensive, whereas fossil fuel companies provide a product which billions of people rely on for their day-to-day survival.

Global primary energy consumption by source

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The World’s Leading Climate Expert

“For the U.S. to continue to exist, the GOP cannot.”

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The Safe Climate Of 1931

Climate alarmists imagine the weather was better in the past when atmospheric CO2 levels were lower – but history doesn’t support their superstitions or childish belief systems.

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“Sun Rules Weather”

“SOME day, when your daily newspaper is delivered, you may turn to a column reserved for bulletins on the sun. At least, that is the opinion of Dr. R. B. Baumegardt, Fellow of the Royal Astronomical Society. of England, and one of the chief lecturers on the staff of the American National Geographical Society.

He explained this by detailing the latest results of observations of the sun on weather. and showing that there is an apparent connection between the sun’s condition and major weather changes, which vitally affect world crops. prolonged droughts, heat and cold wares.”

07 Jul 1931, 17 – The Windsor Star at Newspapers.com

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Nine Years Since The End Of Snow

Nine years ago the New York Times announced the end of snow, and showed a picture from a ski resort in Germany to prove it.

The End of Snow? – The New York Times

This is what that resort looks like this morning.

PanoCloud | Ski slope Oberwiesenthal

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Global Warming Outbreak

We haven’t been above 0F (-18C) for several days here in Cheyenne, Wyoming. And the press says we are having the worst drought in 1,200 years.

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