“The world began to end on 12th May 2024”

Interesting article about solar storms from three years ago.

“The world began to end on 12th May 2024, though another 309 years would pass before our species finally went extinct. The apocalypse was not the result of one thing, unless that one thing was that we repeatedly ignored signs that industrial civilisation had become increasingly fragile, even as it grew ever more powerful. But our end very definitely had a trigger. A burst of charged plasma from the sun caused the sudden, simultaneous collapse of numerous electrical grids across the world, setting in motion a cascade of devastating failures from which humanity would never recover.”

How the sun could wipe us out – UnHerd

Wayback Machine

MEDIA ADVISORY: NOAA Forecasts Severe Solar Storm; Media Availability Scheduled for Friday, May 10 | NOAA / NWS Space Weather Prediction Center

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“Climate change is a myth”

By Physics Nobel Laureate John Clauser

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Racist Gas

Protecting people from heat by making air conditioning unaffordable.

Wildfire exposure is associated with higher risks of preterm birth.

Unusually hot days and heatwaves are also associated with preterm birth risks.

Co-exposures of heat and wildfires have compounding effects.

Communities of color are more susceptible to these exposures.

The crossover nature of this study controls for time-invariant confounding.”

Impacts of heat and wildfire on preterm birth – ScienceDirect

Burn acreage and frequency of hot days have both declined as CO2 has increased.

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RFK Jr. Discusses The Green New Deal And Climate

“all of the modeling on climate change says (really bad things)”

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“world is on edge of climate abyss, UN warns”

Thirty-five years ago the United Nations said we only have ten years left to save the planet from global warming.  Now they say we are running out of time to save the planet from global warming.

“The world is on the verge of a climate abyss, the UN has warned, in response to a Guardian survey that found that hundreds of the world’s foremost climate experts expect global heating to soar past the international target of 1.5C.

A series of leading climate figures have reacted to the findings, saying the deep despair voiced by the scientists must be a renewed wake-up call for urgent and radical action to stop burning fossil fuels and save millions of lives and livelihoods. Some said the 1.5C target was hanging by a thread, but it was not yet inevitable that it would be passed, if an extraordinary change in the pace of climate action could be achieved.”

‘The stakes could not be higher’: world is on edge of climate abyss, UN warns | Climate crisis | The Guardian

“June 29, 1989
UNITED NATIONS (AP) _ A senior U.N. environmental official says entire nations could be wiped off the face of the Earth by rising sea levels if the global warming trend is not reversed by the year 2000.

Coastal flooding and crop failures would create an exodus of ?eco- refugees,? ? threatening political chaos, said Noel Brown, director of the New York office of the U.N. Environment Program, or UNEP.

He said governments have a 10-year window of opportunity to solve the greenhouse effect before it goes beyond human control.

As the warming melts polar icecaps, ocean levels will rise by up to three feet, enough to cover the Maldives and other flat island nations, Brown told The Associated Press in an interview on Wednesday.”

U.N. Predicts Disaster if Global Warming Not Checked

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Ivy Echo Chamber

Academia is out of touch with reality to the point where they have become a threat to civilization.

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Climate Homicide

“Climate Homicide: Prosecuting Big Oil For Climate Deaths”

Climate Homicide: Prosecuting Big Oil For Climate Deaths by David Arkush, Donald Braman :: SSRN

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Much Ado About Nothing

A fairly typical case of climate hysteria based on superstition, incompetence and scientific ignorance.

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Homophobic Gas

Carbon dioxide is targeting same-sex couples.

Climate Change Risk for LGBT People in the United States – Williams Institute

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World Bank Expectations

“Solar is expected to surpass coal as the world’s most available source of energy by 2027. “

In the real world, there is no chance of that happening.

Primary energy consumption by source, World

Electricity production by source, World

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