New York Times Saves The Planet

Another example of fully fictional journalism from the New York Times.

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“The science isn’t that complicated”

The Washington Post says the same weather California has always had is “what climate change looks like” and that warm air is the cause of droughts floods and snow.

The state was in drought. Then it was underwater. Welcome to the new normal. – The Washington Post

California drought conditions force residents to rely on bottled water – The Washington Post

From 1890 :


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New York Times Saved The Planet

“Thanks to astonishing declines in the price of renewables, a truly global political mobilization, a clearer picture of the energy future and serious policy focus from world leaders, we have cut expected warming almost in half in just five years”

Beyond Catastrophe: A New Climate Reality Is Coming Into View – The New York Times

Meanwhile back in the real world, energy prices are skyrocketing and the growth of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere continues to accelerate.

Global Monitoring Laboratory – Carbon Cycle Greenhouse Gases

Global primary energy consumption by source

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They Were “Compelled” To Do So

“The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by an endless series of hobgoblins, most of them imaginary.”

? H.L. Mencken

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ABC News Acknowledges Young Athletes Are Dying Of Heart Attacks

ABC News says there has been an increase in heart disease, and says it is caused by global warming.

“Dr. Martha Gulati will never forget the first time she saw a young, healthy athlete die of heat stroke.

It was 1995 in Chicago, in the middle of a heat wave that would ultimately claim nearly 700 lives. In the decades that followed, Gulati watched in alarm as the climate warmed and heat catastrophes grew even more intense.”

Rise in heart disease may be explained by extreme weather conditions: Study – ABC News

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They Were Compelled To Do So

Scientific American said they were compelled to endorse Joe Biden. Their stated position was that he would save the planet from global warming and stop COVID-19 via masks.


Scientific American Endorses Joe Biden – Scientific American

More than two-thirds of US COVID-19 deaths have occurred since election day 2020.

United States COVID – Coronavirus Statistics – Worldometer

Politicizing COVID-19 was at the core of the Democrats strategy in 2020.

Atmospheric CO2 has grown at the same rate regardless of which party is in the White House.

Global Monitoring Laboratory – Carbon Cycle Greenhouse Gases

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NY Times – Scientists Get Fired For Being Alarmists

Another inversion of reality from the New York Times.

“I chained myself to a White House gate to demand that the Biden administration declare a climate emergency. Since I locked that first chain around my waist, I have been arrested three times in nonviolent actions. My superiors at Oak Ridge warned me to be careful”

Opinion | I’m a Scientist Who Spoke Up About Climate Change. My Employer Fired Me. – The New York Times

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“not the greenhouse effect”

“Kevin Trenberth and Grant Branstator of the National Center for Atmospheric Research in Boulder, Colo,, said a computer model they used supports the theory that the drought was due to the cool ocean current, not the greenhouse effect”

– January 2, 1989

02 Jan 1989, 5 – Spokane Chronicle at

h/t Steve Milloy

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Biden – Planet Doomed By 2028

“global warming is an existential threat to humanity. We have a moral obligation to deal with it. And we’re told by all the leading scientists in the world that we don’t have much time. We’re going to pass the point of no return within the next eight to 10 years.”

– Joe Biden October 22, 2020

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Climate Time Warp

The western US has always alternated between drought and floods, but out politicians and the press think they can stop this from happening by building windmills and mandating electric vehicles.

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