Trained Not To Learn

ChatGPT has been trained to ignore any information which doesn’t support the climate orthodoxy.

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Protecting Endangered Species

California wants to wipe out an endangered forest of Joshua Trees, in order to protect them from global warming.

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Record Climate Cynicism

The people behind climate alarmism want to shut down the fuels which make air conditioning affordable and available. They say they are shutting down air conditioning to protect people from the heat.

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Record Cynicism

In 1898, Mark Twain commented on the incredible heat in India.

“When a person is accustomed to 138 in the shade, his ideas about cold weather are not valuable. I had read, in the histories, that the June marches made between Lucknow and Cawnpore by the British forces in the time of the Mutiny were made in that kind of weather—138 in the shade—and had taken it for historical embroidery. I had read it again in Serjeant-Major Forbes-Mitchell’s account of his military experiences in the Mutiny—at least I thought I had—and in Calcutta I asked him if it was true, and he said it was. An officer of high rank who had been in the thick of the Mutiny said the same. As long as those men were talking about what they knew, they were trustworthy, and I believed them; but when they said it was now “cold weather,” I saw that they had traveled outside of their sphere of knowledge and were floundering. I believe that in India “cold weather” is merely a conventional phrase and has come into use through the necessity of having some way to distinguish between weather which will melt a brass door-knob and weather which will only make it mushy. It was observable that brass ones were in use while I was in Calcutta, showing that it was not yet time to change to porcelain; I was told the change to porcelain was not usually made until May. But this cold weather was too warm for us; so we started to Darjeeling, in the Himalayas—a twenty-four hour journey.”


08 Jun 1935 – HEAT WAVE IN INDIA – Trove

27 May 1935 – TRAGIC HEAT WAVE. – Trove

20 Jul 1934 – THE HOTTEST PLACE. – Trove

02 Jun 1934 – Deaths From Heat – Trove

15 Jun 1966 – INDIA Hundreds die in heat wave – Trove

16 Jun 1932 – 22 PERSONS DIE – Trove

01 Jun 1972 – Fatal heat – Trove

12 Jul 1878 – INDIA. – Trove

“Probably the hottest major city in the world is Bangkok, Thailand, where the temperature reaches 90° or more virtually every day of the year and humidity often raises the THI Index well above 120°. The months of April and May are its hottest, and the THI hits 130° on occasion. At 9 a.m. on April 26, 2005 the dew point reached 89.6° at the time the temperature stood at 91.4°, resulting in a THI of 136° and making for a delightful morning commute through the city’s traffic-clogged streets. This is the only instance your author can find of a real example of the oft-stated “90° heat and 90% humidity” cliche. In fact, the humidity was 94%.

It is hot in southeast Asia, like it gets every year – and the press is describing it as “climate history’s most extreme event.”  The goal is to shut down fossil fuels, so that people don’t have access to air conditioning.

“In the capital Bangkok, temperatures reached 40.1C on Wednesday, while authorities warned of a possible “heat index” of past 52C on Thursday. This measure reflects what the temperature feels like, taking into account humidity levels – an important factor for human health because when the air is more humid, it is harder for the body to regulate its temperature by sweating.”

Wave of exceptionally hot weather scorches south and south-east Asia | South and central Asia | The Guardian

A freak 1870s climate event caused drought across three continents | New Scientist

Late Victorian Holocausts: El Niño Famines and the Making of the Third World , Davis, Mike –

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The Latest In Climate Science Rhetoric

“Whoa ? we really really fucked it up! It was a big mistake to do this accomplishment in the 80s with less Sulfur but not(!) fucking not! Not! Again not sorry to repeat not reduce fucking CO2 or fucking growth. Fuck Fuck Fuck! Tropic Temperatures are little down but Overshoot and Future Heat is real and Officials do nothing…nothing and we still believe we can outgrow of this mess with some heat pumps and PV blabla…”

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Climate Desperation

Michael Mann and his friends seem to be getting increasingly desperate with their childish behavior since the Climate Movie came out.

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Artificial Stupidity

“Climate Stability: With carbon emissions eliminated, the Earth’s climate would stabilize over time. Extreme weather events would become less frequent, and vulnerable ecosystems would have a chance to recover.”

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Climate Obsession

Michael Mann has me blocked, but is using someone engaged in identity theft to slander other people and misrepresent my views.  This is not how a legitimate scientist would behave.

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The Climate Empire Strikes Back

Since Climate The Movie was released, the personal attacks I’m receiving have become even sillier than they used to be.

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Climate Scam Parrots

Another clown who has me blocked parroting the identical words as Michael Mann and Mark Serreze.

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